0.1.0-alpha.0 • Published 3 years ago

@bbc/search-complete v0.1.0-alpha.0

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3 years ago

Lightweight React Application State Management


Lauf Store React

Logo - Diego Naive, Noun Project.


npm install @lauf/store-react --save

@lauf/store-react enables React apps to use @lauf/store for state-management, providing a simple substitute for Flux/Redux based on Immer.

Browse the API or the Typescript example inlined below from our Counter App.

The Counter example below shows how useSelected binds a selected part of a Store's state to a component, and how events can edit the state.

You can see the app running in an online sandbox; in javascript, or in typescript.

App Behaviour

  • AppState defines the state structure for the Store.
  • StoreProps passes the Store to React components.
  • The Display React component has a useSelected hook to re-render when counter changes.
  • The Increment and Decrement buttons don't re-render on any state changes, but they DO trigger an edit to the counter state when clicked.
  • App calls useStore passing in an INITIAL_STATE to initialise a Store on first load.
  • App inserts the three components, passing each one the store to do its work.
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { Store, Immutable } from "@lauf/store";
import { useStore, useSelected } from "@lauf/store-react";

interface AppState {
  counter: number;

const INITIAL_STATE: Immutable<AppState> = {
  counter: 0,
} as const;

interface StoreProps {
  store: Store<AppState>;

const Display = ({ store }: StoreProps) => {
  const counter = useSelected(store, (state) => state.counter);
  return <h1>{counter}</h1>;

const Increment = ({ store }: StoreProps) => (
  <button onClick={() => store.edit((draft) => (draft.counter += 1))}>

const Decrement = ({ store }: StoreProps) => (
  <button onClick={() => store.edit((draft) => (draft.counter -= 1))}>

const App = () => {
  const store = useStore(INITIAL_STATE);
  return (
      <Display store={store} />
      <Increment store={store} />
      <Decrement store={store} />

    <App />