1.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

@framework100500/platform-koa v1.1.0

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Last release
5 years ago


Unopinionated, minimalistic pure Node.js API framework superpowered with Dependency Injection (Inversion Of Control) features.

Framework100500 is formerly inspired by Angular and Nest.js. It is developed on top of the injection-js package extracted from Angular 4.x.

Key features:

  • Pure Node.js. You don't need to transpile code and perform extra steps in your CI/CD pipeline.
  • Modular. You can easily split your codebase into small featured modules.
  • Dynamic Routing. You can build your dynamic routes before application is run but after services are initialized.
  • Dependency injection all around the app.
  • No magic behind. You have complete control and understanding what you do and what happens in application.
  • It is compatible with the most popular web frameworks such as Express.js, Koa.js, Restify.js, and others.
  • HttpModule provides an ability to make external API calls, intercept them, and configure it depending on your needs.
  • The testing module allows you to test your code in an easy and convenient way.

For more information look in the following sections: