0.0.12 • Published 3 years ago

@typhonjs-utils/build-test-browser v0.0.12

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Last release
3 years ago


NPM License

Provides a single module collecting all build / test resources for Node & browser testing TyphonJS modules. This tooling assists in making dual browser / Node ESM packages.

In addition to providing the necessary dependencies this module also has browser test runner code which streamlines testing including:

  • Run the same testsuite on Node and in the browser.
  • Streamlined execution setup for the common use cases.
  • Connecting Mocha in the browser using the default spec reporter to output results in Node console just like if the tests were being executed locally in Node itself.
  • Ability to send messages from the browser testsuite to Node context / useful w/ Snowpack and HMR testing, etc.
  • polka and sirv provide a minimal dependency static web server.
  • nyc and rollup-plugin-istanbul to instrument and create coverage reports w/ source maps.
  • puppeteer-core to control headless Chrome / Chromium.

More details and full API overview on the way shortly.

There are two examples located in ./examples

  • polka-sirv is the standard static code example.
  • snowpack provides an HMR update example controlled by the testsuite executing in the browser.

Clone the repo and run npm install in either example directory.

  • npm run test-node to run the testsuite on Node.
  • npm run test-browser to run the testsuite in the browser.

In each example directory there is an env directory w/ puppeteer.env. You must set PUPPETEER_BIN to the Chrome executable for your system. Right now the default is set for MacOS.

Add this module as a devDependency and the following modules are added: