0.0.15 • Published 8 months ago

blowgun v0.0.15

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Last release
8 months ago


Blowgun is a CLI framework inspired by Gluegun, but specifically designed to be used with Bun, the new JS runtime, and with a new, simpler, more straightforward API.

Blowgun has zero prod dependencies and is designed to be used with Bun's built-in modules.

Note: the name is a play on Gluegun and Bun. But we're open to other names! Please file an issue if you have ideas.

Head on over to the Introduction to learn more.

Quick Start

Blowgun has a CLI (of course) to help you get started building your own CLI.

# install/update bun
curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash

# use blowgun's CLI to create your new CLI
bunx blowgun new pizza # doesn't work yet!

# cd in and link it so you can run it
cd pizza
bun link

Blowgun will then (EVENTUALLY -- when done!) spin up a new CLI project for you, and you can start building your CLI right away.

Next: Introduction

Or, if you want to skip to the good part: Getting Started


This project is copyright 2023 Jamon Holmgren and released under the MIT license.


8 months ago


9 years ago


9 years ago