0.0.2 • Published 5 years ago

carbon-addons-boomerang-react v0.0.2

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Last release
5 years ago

Carbon Addons Boomerang React

Carbon addon components for Boomerang written in React

Getting Started

Run the following command using npm:

npm install -S carbon-components-react @boomerang/carbon-addons-boomerang @boomerang/carbon-addons-boomerang-react @carbon/icons-react

If you prefer Yarn, use the following command instead:

yarn add carbon-components-react @boomerang/carbon-addons-boomerang @boomerang/carbon-addons-boomerang-react @carbon/icons-react


You need to import the .scss styles. If you are using SASS and webpack, perform the following import.

@import '~@boomerang/carbon-addons-boomerang/scss/styles';

You can then import components by the following:

import { Header } from '@boomerang/carbon-addons-boomerang-react';

For styling and other information, make sure to check out carbon-addons-boomerang.

Integrating with UIShell Notifications

We use react-toastify to create notifications for UIShell events. If you want to also use the library in your application for notifications you must configure your ToastContainer component to support multiple containers via the enableMultiContainer={true} prop. It is NOT required to include a containerId on your container or with notifications that you create. Without multi-container support enabled, you will see two notifications created for UIShell events.

📚 Docs

You can find more information about how to use each Component by checking out our Storybook.

🤲 Contributing

Please check out our Contribution Guidelines for more info on how you can help out!