1.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

ct-platform-backend v1.0.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
5 years ago

ComboTag Platform-Backend

Local Development Requirements

  1. Redis server - you'll have to install redis server on your local machine. according to your OS, pick one of the following options (if your OS doesnt exist here, make a small research and add it here after installing redis server locally)
    1. windows
      • download Redis for Windows latest .zip
      • extract at the desired location (C:/redis for an example)
      • pick either the 32 or 64 bit version
      • run redis-server.exe file
  2. Node-gyp - !!DON'T JUST NPM INSTALL IT! READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS!! If you wish to know more about the issue, you can read about it here. If you want a quick run through (shame on you!) just keep reading.. - Open any terminal (on your local machine) in admin mode and run npm install --global --production windows-build-tools (more information)
  3. envConfig
    • go to conf/env/index.js and make the following changes: module.exports = require(`./ec2`) => module.exports = require(`./dev`);
    • in conf/env dir create dev.js file and ask a devTeam mate with writing it the info in this file includes secret credentials for the DB and for security reasons it is not documented here

Now your are ready to run npm install in the project dir and run the platform-backend locally