1.0.1 • Published 5 years ago

disposable-guerrillamail v1.0.1

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5 years ago

Disposable Email API Powered by Guerrillamail using TypeScript

A simple wrapper on top of Guerrillamail REST API using TypeScript, Promises, and Axios!

It should empower your team (development/QA) to cover E2E scenarios in more depth.

Check the Guerrillamail docs for more information here

How to install this module

npm i --save-dev disposable-guerrillamail


import { Email } from 'disposable-guerrillamail';

(async () => {
  // Initiate a new email instance.
  const tempEmail = new Email();

  // Get a random email address and let the lib handle the token stuff for you.
  const address = await tempEmail.createEmailAccount(); // 'dbyziheu@guerrillamailblock.com'

  // You can specify a specific email to add more robustness to your tests!
  // const address = await tempEmail.createEmailAccount(`Faisal`); // 'Faisal@guerrillamailblock.com'

  // The initiated email is ready to receive messages...

  // Check your inbox anytime.
  const emails = await tempEmail.getLatestEmails(); // [emails]

  // Check details of a certain email if you know its id.
  const email = await tempEmail.getEmailDetails('1'); // email

  // Assert, manipulate and scrape the received email for whatever you need!

How to run locally


git clone git@github.com:Fghurayri/disposable-guerrillamail.git
cd disposable-guerrillamail
npm i
npm run dev


npm test