1.0.0 • Published 10 years ago

each-exec v1.0.0

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10 years ago


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A Node module to run commands in parallel

var eachExec = require('each-exec');

eachExec(['echo "foo"', 'echo "bar"'], function(err, stdouts, stderrs) {
  if (err) {
    throw err;

  stdouts; //=> ['foo\n', 'bar\n']
  stderrs; //=> ['', '']


NPM version

Use npm.

npm install each-exec


var eachExec = require('each-exec');

eachExec(commands , options, callback)

commands: Array of String (the commands to run)
options: Object (child_process.exec options)
callback: Function

It runs the commands using child_process.exec in parallel.

After all the commands have finished, it runs the callback function.

When one of the commands fails, it immediately calls the callback function and the rest of the commands won't be run.

callback(error, stdoutArray, stderrArray)

error: Error if one of the commands fails, otherwise null
stdoutArray: Array of String (stdout of the commands)
stderrArray: Array of String (stderr of the commands)

It doesn't pass any values to the second argument and third argument, if one of the commands fails.

  'echo foo',
  'exit 200',
  'echo bar'
], function(err, stdouts, stderrs) {
  err.code; //=> 200
  stdouts; //=> undefined
  stderrs; //=> undefined
  arguments.length; //=> 1

Callback function is optional.

execSeries(['mkdir foo', 'mkdir bar']);

setTimeout(function() {
  fs.existsSync('foo'); //=> true
  fs.existsSync('bar'); //=> true
}, 1000);


Copyright (c) 2014 Shinnosuke Watanabe

Licensed under the MIT License.