0.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

express-sequalize v0.0.0

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Last release
4 years ago


This service allows us to

  • change the status of a pulse to "Merge" when the corresponding PR is merged
  • change the status of a pulse from "Catching required" to "Changes required" when the catcher clicks on "Request changes"
  • change the status of a pulse from "Catching required" to "Approved" when the catcher clicks on "Approve"
  • change the status of a pulse from "Catching required" to "Help requested" when the catcher leaves a comment
  • change the status of a pulse from "Catching required" to "Conflict" when the PR is on conflict

This service will also allows us to implement continuous integration and deployment : 1. Once the preprod branch is deployed on the preprod environment (Github > Heroku integration) 2. Then the github service creates the PR from preprod to master 3. It launches the tests on blazetester 4. If the tests are successful, it sends a message to the Release Owner 5. The Release Owner can merge the PR from preprod to master


To implement this service on a new repo you have to : 1. add the repo in Github.constant.ts 2. add a github webhook on the repo's settings with Payload URL = https://servicegithubbeta.herokuapp.com/webhook/github/index, Content type = application/json, Secret = ${process.env.SERVICE_GITHUB_TOKEN} and the options Let me select individual events with Pull requests and Pull requests reviews 3. add a heroku webhook on https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/APP_NAME/webhooks with Payload URL = https://servicegithubbeta.herokuapp.com/webhook/heroku/index, Secret = ${process.env.SERVICE_GITHUB_TOKEN} and the option api:release for the preprod and prod environment