0.1.1 • Published 5 years ago

foundry-furnace v0.1.1

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5 years ago

Foundry Furnace

Foundry Furnace is a complete tool that allows modders of the Foundry Virtual Tabletop software to create, build, and package systems and modules.

Furnace is designed to allow modders to quickly jump into creating custom systems and modules for Foundry VTT. The tool may be highly opinionated, but uses the most common techniques employed by modders and Foundry itself.


Setting up, building, and distributing custom systems and modules for Foundry VTT should be as straightforward as possible. To that end, Furnace will provide as many features as possible to achieve this.

  • TypeScript: TypeScript type definitions will be provided to add strong typing to Foundry.
  • CSS preprocessors: Both LESS and Sass/SCSS will be supported.
  • Building & packaging: Projects will be built and packaged for distribution for you, including updating the system.json and module.json files and zipping.



npm install -g foundry-furnace

It is best to install Furnace globally, so you can run the CLI to create a new project.

Initialize project

furnace init <name>

By default, this will create a new module of <name> with regular scripts and CSS. Use options for more advanced projects.


  • -s, --system: Configures the project as a system.
  • --es6: Configures the project to use ES6 modules.
  • -f, --force: Overwrite an existing directory.

5 years ago


5 years ago