1.0.0-alpha.2 • Published 5 years ago

gatsby-starter-emulsify-drupal v1.0.0-alpha.2

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Last release
5 years ago

Four Kitchens

Gatsby Starter using the Emulsify Gatsby Theme for a Design System, Storybook for a Pattern Library and serves as a starterkit Drupal 8 theme.

🚀 Install

yarn or npm install

🔧 Develop


Develop: yarn develop or npm develop

This combines 3 tasks: 1. yarn webpack (CSS compiling/minifying/linting, SVG Sprite generation) 2. yarn babel (ES6 transpiling, minification and Drupal behavior wrapping) 3. yarn storybook (Storybook watch task)

Deploy Storybook

yarn deploy-storybook

Generate Design System

yarn styleguide or npm styleguide

Build Tasks

Styleguide: build-styleguide Storybook: build-storybook Babel: build-babel Webpack: build-webpack


yarn lint