5.1.3 • Published 8 months ago

goteti-forms v5.1.3

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8 months ago

Goteti Forms

Author: Narasimha Goteti

"GotetiForms" library is for the Angular (2+) project development.

Dox / Discussions / Issue tracker:



GtFormStatus directive, GtFormStatusService, GtLoadComponent directive, GtLoadTemplate directive, GtRef, Gtfref directive added

"errorsText" property available for GtControl, OtherData attribute available for GtFormStatusDirective. formStatus attribute available for gt-error-msg component, GtFun pipe that accepts function as angular template pipe.

Removed templates Input binding for gt-reactive-form and gt-input-field, instead use GtFormStatus directive (Refer )

index property added for the template , component and gt-reactive-form .

Removed support for auto-select

'skip' control in gt-reactive-form functionality supported.

"GtFormHub" class added, Support added for Async Validators. (Refer: B1.1 Implementation)

'commonInputTemplate' support added for the gt-reactive-form (Refer B1.2.1 Implementation)

control attribute added to 'gt-error-msg' component for rendering the AbstractControl errors (Refer: B1.2.3).

Added {type: 'template', template: 'customtemplate' } support for the GtGroupBP & GtArrayBP, so that custom templates used for GtGroup, GtArray while rendering in gt-reactive-form .

Added additional properties to GtControl, GtGroup, GtArray (Refer: B1.2.4).

"GtCustomRulesService" support removed.

GtFormHub, gtFormBuilder, gtUpdateControl supports 'AbstractControlOptions' i.e {updateOn: 'blur'}.

In upcoming versions: gtFormBuilder, gtUpdateControl will be removed instead use 'GtFormHub' (build, update methods in GtFormHub) ;

NOTE: Versions 5+ are re-written which have new structures and new configurations so not compatible with previous versions.

Caution: Information about version 4.

  1. type : 'radio' needs 'list' property as array of objects with (label, value) properties ex: list: { label: 'Yes', value: true}, {label:'No',value: false}
  2. All services , components selectors and names are changed.
  3. if type:'auto-select' then list: {id:1,...otherProperties} . 'id' property is mandatory and unique value.

A1) Integration Steps:

Install package in the root folder using the command,

npm i goteti-forms

Add the module to the NgModule of main application.

import { GotetiFormsModule, GtFormsService, GtFormHub} from 'goteti-forms';
declarations: [
imports: [
    GotetiFormsModule  // <--- Add the Module 
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
    constructor (private GFS: GtFormsService){
        GFS.addComponent(<custom_componet_key>, <Your Custom Input Component>);

Module contains the following:

import {
    AtbrDirective, DebounceInputDirective, FilterPipe, GtAutoSelectComponent, GotetiFormsModule, GtFormsService, GtFormHub, GtInputFieldComponent, GtRecursiveFormControlComponent, GtErrorMsgComponent, GtMapBuilder, HighlightSearch, IpolatePipe, ListenerDirective, PermissionDirective, PermissionDirectiveDisable, SetFocusDirective, gTrefDirective, gtLoadTemplate, GtLoadComponentDirectives, gtFormBuilder, gtFormControl, gtFormGroup, gtFormArray, gtAddToFormArray, gtSetValidator, sampleReactiveFormData
} from 'goteti-forms';

A2) Details of all the Components / Pipes / Directives / Utils.

A2.1) Component : GotetiInputFieldComponent


// Supports both Template driven and Reactive forms

        [listen]="{input: onInputValue, change: onChangeValue}"
        [args]="'Put the customised arguments here'"
        [(ngModel)]="title" required>

    /* runAction variable is trigger the updated validations it as to be toggled as '' then wait for 500ms then 'VALIDATIONS' on upting the validations in config object. */

    this.configuration =  {
            "label": "Name",
            "type": "text",
            "template": null,  
            "class": "form-control",
            "multiple": true,
            "listValue": "capital",
            "disable": false,
            "hide": false,
            "itpolate": "{name}'s last Name is {lastname} !",
            "list":[{id:1, "name":"Narasimha","lastname":"Goteti"},
                    {id:2,"name":"Sai","lastname": "Vutukuru"}],
            "atbr": {
              "placeholder": "It's upto you! "
                    "msg": "Name is required",
                    "class": "text-warning"
            "validations": [{
              "key": "minLength",
              "asyncfn" : false,  /* <== This value should be true for custom Async validators else false */
              "value": 5
              "key": "required",
              "value": 5


onInputValue(event, args){
    console.log(event) // event, 'Put the customised arguments here' 

onChangeValue(event, args){
    console.log(event) //// event, 'Put the customised arguments here' 

Properties of config:

PropertiesDescriptionValues Supported / Example
labelLabel for Input fieldString , null
headingIt is for gt-reactive-form heading with index valueheading: "{index} I am Header for a form group"
classClass for the Input fieldex: 'form-control classname'
disableIf it is 'true', input will be in disable state , Even modifing the attributes from developer tools (inspect elements ) will not work i.e still input field will be disable statetrue / false
hideIt is NOT CSS based it is *ngIf based.true / false
valueValue of input
typeAll basic input types additional to Library input types i.e (auto-select, fnumber), (This DO NOT support 'select','template' types). For type:'radio', list:{label:'Yes', value: true},{label:'No',value:false} format is required.auto-select, template, component, textarea, text, number and (all input types)
multiple'true' for multi-select , 'false' for single select. multiple true works only for type='auto-select'.true / false
listValuetype="auto-select" selected value should be property or whole selected object of array iterationProperty key or null
itpolatetype="auto-select", It is string with {key} ,format of displaying data in dropdown.'My name is {name} and last name is {lastname} !'
listtype="auto-select", Array of Objects (example: {type:'auto-select', listValue:'value',list:{id:1, label:'India',value:'IND'}) or Array of non-objects for dropdownArray of objects('id' property is mandatory which is unique.), Array of non-objects
atbrAttributes for input fieldex: {step: 10}
randomRandom number has to be updated when ever atbr value is updated inorder to update the Input field's attribute.Math.random()
controlOptions{updateOn:'submit'} (change/blur/submit)
errorsError messages which displays in input field
validationsValidation object value for Reactive form which supports both sync & async validators{ key: 'customValidator', asyncfn: false, value: 'test'},{key:'customAsyncValidator', asyncfn: true, value: 'test'}
inputsFor type component, inputs is the keyValue pairs that acts like Input bindings to componentex: {type: 'component', component:'< component that added to GtFormService >', inputs:{title: '@input binding title of the component'}}

A2.2) Supported 'type' values

HTML types: text , number , range ... etc

< any html input type>like type is 'text' or 'number' or 'checkbox' ..etc ...{type:'text', label:'Firsta Name', name:'firstname',class:'form-control',divclass:'col-md-3',disable:false, hide: false,atbr:{placeholder:'Name'}, validations:{key:'required'}, errors: {required:{msg:'First Name is required'}}}
radioconfig should contain 'list' property with array of objects (label and value ) format .list: {label:'yes',value: true},{label:'no',value: false}

Library supported types :

auto-select (removed)1. If list is array of objects ('id' property with unique values are mandatory), If 'listValue' property is present result value will be 'listValue' mentioned value else result will be whole selected object. 2. If list is array of values , then no need of 'listValue' property.Array of objects {type:'auto-select',multiple: false,list:{id:1,label:'India', value:'IND'},{id:1,label:'USA', value:'US'}, listValue:'value', itpolate:'{label} shortcode is {value}'} Array of values {type:'auto-select',multiple: true,list:'India', 'USA', listValue:'value'}
componentIf type is component , then component property with custome component name is mandatory. You can add your additional properties required for the custom component. Custom component should be added to the 'GotetiFormsService' service. For reference please follow the below 'component' example.{type:'component', component:'toggle', customeproperty:'customepropertyvalue'}
templateFor reference please follow the below 'template' example.

auto-select (ex:{type:'auto-select',list:{id:1, label:'India',value:'IND'}), component, template .

Properties of listen:

listen attribute accept the object with key and value, where key is valid input events like 'input','change','keydown'... etc , value is the function which needs to handle in '.ts' file.

Properties of args:

args=Arguments of listen events, listen attribute is mandatory for this , so that arguments will be passed to listen events like 'input, change, keydown,keypress'.

'args' can be String, Array, Object.

A2.3) type:'component' Implementation

If type:"component" follow the below structure and Make sure you add the custome input component to the GotetiFormsService.

// app.module.ts
export class AppModule {
    constructor (private GFS: GtFormsService){
        GFS.addComponent('toggle', ToggleInputComponent);
        GFS.formbuilder = new GtFormHub({
            availableCheck: this.availableCheck.bind(this),
            rangelimit: this.rangelimit.bind(this)

    availableCheck(list): ValidatorFn {
        return (control: AbstractControl): { [key: string]: boolean } | null => {
            if ([null,undefined].includes(control.value)) {
                return { 'availableCheck': true };
            return null;

     rangelimit(range): ValidatorFn {
        return (control: AbstractControl): { [key: string]: boolean } | null => {
            if (control.value.length < range) {
                return { 'rangelimit': true };
            return null;

/* ToggleInputComponent is project level custom input component , i.e not the part of GotetiForms. Put your custom input component in place of ToggleInputComponent */ 
   this.rangelimit and this.availableCheck are custom validators in project level.

this.configuration = {
    "label": "Contact Available?",
    "type": "component",
    "component": "toggle",
        "availableCheck":{ /* availableCheck is custome validator */
            "msg": "Contact check is required",
            "class": "text-danger"
        value: null

     console.log( arguments)

// HTML implementation.
    [listen]="{change: onChangeValue}"

Creating Custom Input Component

selector: 'toggle',
template: `
        <span [ngClass]="{'btn': true, 'btn-primary': value}" (click)="togglev()"> ON </span>
        <span [ngClass]="{'btn': true, 'btn-primary': !value}" (click)="togglev()"> OFF </span>
export class ToggleInputComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges{
    @Input() formControl: any; // this is FormControl object with 'config' property added to it.
        if (this.formControl && this.formControl.value){
            this.value = this.formControl.value;

    get config(){
        return this.formControl && this.formControl.config;
        this.value = val;
        if (this.formControl && this.formControl.setValue){


A2.4) type:'template' Implementation

this.configuration = {
    "label": "Contact Available?",
    "type": "template",
    "template": "testtemplate",

     console.log( arguments)

gtFormHub = new GtFormHub({customeValidator: Function})

this.gtFormStatus = {
    submitted: false,
    checkOnSubmit: true,
    checkOnDirty: false,
    checkOnTouch: false,
    gtErrorsView: true, /* this will show default message view if you want to customize the errors views make this false and create your own view */
    showAllErrors: false, /* Default its true, when it is true, all error messages will shown ingoring checkOnSubmit,checkOnDirty,checkOnTouch booleans*/
    formName: 'MyForm'
    onControlLoad: function(this: any, control: any, args: any){}.bind(this),
    onControlUpdate:function(this: any, control: any, args: any){ // This function fires on every control value updates when [(ngModel)] attribute is used.
        // console.log(control, this)

        console.log(this.gtFormStatus.isNgFormValid('valid')) // valid | touched | dirty
        /* isNgFormValid only works for [(ngModel)] based elements, for [formControl] use this.formGroup.valid based validations */
     onControlDestroy:function(this: any, control: any, args: any){}.bind(this)

//onSubmit make gtFormStatus.submitted = true

<div [GtFormStatus]= "gtFormStatus" [templates]="{testtemplate: templatename}" [GtFormHub]="gtFormHub" [OtherData]="OtherData">
// HTML implementation.
        [listen]="{change: onChangeValue}"
<ng-template #templatename let-control="control" let-config="config" let-formStatus="formStatus" let-con="control" let-listen="listen" let-args="args" let-all>
    /* control is the formControl or NgModel object with config property.*/
    <button *ngFor="let l of control?.config?.list" (click)="control.setValue(l.value)">{{l.label}} </button>

<ng-template gtref="templatename" let-control="control" let-config="config"  let-formStatus="formStatus"  let-con="control" let-listen="listen" let-args="args" let-all>
    /* control is the formControl or NgModel object with config property.*/
    <input [formControl]="control"/>


<ng-template #templatename let-listen="listen" let-config="config" let-formStatus="formStatus" let-con="control" let-args="args" let-valueModel="valueModel" let-disabled="disabled" let-all>
    /* valueModel.update is the function which updates the value of NgModel.*/
    <button *ngFor="let l of control?.config?.list" (click)="valueModel.update(l.value)">{{l.label}} </button>
  <ng-template gtref="templatename" let-config="config"  let-formStatus="formStatus" let-con="control"  let-listen="listen" let-args="args" let-valueModel="valueModel" let-disabled="disabled"  let-all>
    <input [(ngModel)]="valueModel.value" />

'GtFormsService' methods:

addComponent(name, component)
addTemplate(name, Template)


FormStatus:GtFormStatusInterface = {}; 
FormHub?: GtFormHub = undefined;
addComponent(name, component)
addTemplate(name, Template)

Note1: GtFormStatusService scope is inside GtFormStatus directive.
Note2: Template/component search order is GtFormStatusService if not found then searches in  GtFormService
Note3: If you use <ng-template [gtref]="<customTemplate>">...</ng-template> , then this customTemplate Ref will be added to GtFormService.

B1) GtFormHub

class methods: (alternative to GtFormBuilder & gtUpdateControl)

1. constructor(<custom Validators as object of functions>)
2. build(blueprint) /* alternative to GtFormBuilder, blueprint is configuration as shown in above examples */
3. update(updatedObject, blueprint)  /* alternative to gtUpdateControl */

B1.1) 'GtFormHub' Implementation:

|class, divclass, objectClasss| wrapper div classes| | |inputs|acts like @Inputs for component if type:"component" and component:"< componentToLoad >"| {< key >: < value >}| ||||

control: Form builder object.

GtFormHub: It is Form builder generator, constructor accepts object with list of Validators and Async Validators as parameter.

Using 'gt-reactive-form' component will render the all the elements dynamically.

For explanation please find the properties of 'sampleReactiveFormData' i.e console.log(sampleReactiveFormData). This document update is still in-progress to list out the all the config properties of 'goteti-recursive-form-control'.

B1.2.2 Alternative to actions in 'gt-reactive-form'

< div [GtFormStatus]= "gtFormStatus" [templates]="{
            commonInputTemplate: ownGenericInput,
            arrayIterateTemplate: arrayIterateTemplate,
            postArrayTemplate: postArrayTemplate,
            groupIterateTemplate: groupIterateTemplate,
            postGroupTemplate: postGroupTemplate,
            postInputTemplate: postInputTemplate
        }" [GtFormHub]="gtformhub">

</ div>

<ng-template gtref="ownGenericInput" let-con="control" let-all>
    <customisedCommonInputField [control]="con"></customisedCommonInputField>
    /* console.log(all) to view all properties available*/

<ng-template #arrayIterateTemplate let-con="control" let-all>
   /* Place your actions here */
   /* console.log(all) to view all properties available*/

<ng-template #groupIterateTemplate let-con="control" let-all>
    /* Place your actions here */
    /* console.log(all) to view all properties available*/

<ng-template #postGroupTemplate let-con="control" let-all>
    /* Place your actions here */
    /* console.log(all) to view all properties available*/

<ng-template #postInputTemplate let-con="control" let-all>
    /* Place your actions here */
    /* console.log(all) to view all properties available*/

B1.2.3 'gt-error-msg' component : GtErrorMsgComponent

<gt-error-msg [errors]="control?.errors" [errormessages]="control?.config?.errors" [control]="control"></gt-error-msg>


{{control?.errorsText}} shows the errors message text when <gt-reactive-form> or <gt-ifield> is used.

B1.2.4 Added new properties to GtControl , GtGroup, GtArray (instances)

    1. random - String - Generates random String value when fireRandom or updateAtbr functions are triggered, which can be used as setter inbounds to the component. 
        ex: <custom-element [random]="control.random"><custom-element >
            set random(){

    2. fireRandom() - Function - Generates the random string value and assigns to random property of object.

    3. updateAtbr(atbr: GtAttributeBP) - Function - Updates the attribute property in 'control.config.atbr' object and fires the fireRandom()

    4. updateValidatorsList(validations: Array<GtValidationBP>, gtFormhubInstance: GtFormHub, checkValidation ?: boolean) - Function - Sets the new sync and async validators to the existing GtFormControl, GtFormGroup, GtFormArray instance objects using GtFormHub instance.

            ex: (this.firstname as GtControl).updateValidatorsList([{key: 'required'}, {key:'customasyncvalidator': asyncfn: true}],  this.formhub)

    5. insertToArray(index:Number,GtFormHub_Instance?: any, prop?: GtControlBP | GtGroupBP ) - Function  - Inserts the new GtControl / GtGroup to the GtArray at the specific index using GtFormHub instance.

    6. pushToArray(GtFormHub_Instance?: any, prop?: GtControlBP | GtGroupBP) - Function - Pushes the new GtControl / GtGroup to the GtArray at the end using GtFormHub instance.

    7. control.toggleView('hide', true/false) => this will hide/show the control and disable/enable it. 
       control.toggleView('skip', true/false, true/false) => this will skip/unskip the control from gt-reactive-form rendering, third argument decides to handle the disable state when skipped/unskipped.

    8. control.errorsText : this is all errors message text for the control.

        GtControl : random, fireRandom() , updateAtbr(), updateValidatorsList(), toggleView()
        GtGroup : random, fireRandom() ,  updateValidatorsList(), toggleView()
        GtArray : random, fireRandom() ,  updateValidatorsList(),  insertToArray(),  pushToArray(), toggleView()

B1.3) Pipe: ItpolatePipe


this.value = {
    name: 'India'

<span> {{ value | itpolate: 'Country name is {name}'  }} </span>

B1.4) Directive: AtbrDirective , depends on random


this.attributes = {
    step: 3,
    placeholder: 'This is the place holder'

this.random = Math.random();


B1.5) Directive: hide , disable

this.rules = {
    hide: true,
    disable: true


disable="true" , Disables the element even you change the properties in developer tools i.e inspect elements.

B1.6) Directive : listener

    // some functionality

    // some functionality

    [listener]="{input: onInputChange, keypress: onKeypress}"
    [args]="['Parameter 1', 'Parameter 2']"

B1.7 Directive: gtLoadTemplate :

< ng-template gtLoadTemplate="< 'templateNameString' >"></ ng-template > Inputs: config, listen, args, control, valueModel, templates, random, templateData, gtLoadTemplate(v: string); Note: Always use the gtLoadTemplate attribute at last if multiple attributes are given to the ng-template. Note: This directive loads the template from GtFormStatusService or else GtFormService by searching the template string gtLoadTemplate property

B1.8 Directive gtLoadComponent :

< ng-template [gtLoadComponent]="< 'componentNameString' >" >< /ng-template >
Inputs:  config, listen, args, control, valueModel,templateData,  random(r: string, gtLoadComponent(v: string)
Note: Always use the gtLoadTemplate attribute at last if multiple attributes are given to the ng-template.
Note: This directive loads the component from GtFormStatusService or else GtFormService by searching the component string gtLoadComponent property

B1.9 Directive gtref

<ng-template gtref="CustomeTemplateName" let-valueModel="valueModel" let-control="control" let-config="config" let-formStatus="formStatus" let-listen="listen" let-args="args">
    <input [formControl]="control" [atbr]="config?.atbr" [random]="control?.random"/> 


    <input [(ngModel)]="valueModel.value" [atbr]="config?.atbr" [random]="control?.random"/> 

Note: This directive will add this template to the current scope of GtFormService

B1.10 Directive gtfref

This gtfref should be used inside [GtFormStatus] block as this gtfref will be added to GtFormStatusService scope.

<ng-template gtfref="CustomeTemplateName" let-valueModel="valueModel" let-control="control" let-config="config" let-formStatus="formStatus" let-listen="listen" let-args="args">
    <input [formControl]="control" [atbr]="config?.atbr" [random]="control?.random"/> 


    <input [(ngModel)]="valueModel.value" [atbr]="config?.atbr" [random]="control?.random"/> 

B1.11 Directive (oninit) :

Event emits when element is initialized / destroyed

C1. InputDebounce Decorator.

<input type="text" (input)="onInput($event)"/>


@InputDebounce(1500) // 1500 is the delay 


Open Source.

The author is NOT liable for any liabilities.


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