1.0.7 • Published 1 year ago

jaguar.js v1.0.7

Weekly downloads
Last release
1 year ago


基于 Vite & MDX 语法的静态站点生成器

简单、强大、高性能的现代化 SSG 方案

Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command

  jaguar dev docs


🚀 About Me

Hey, I am Jaguar Liu, A full-stack developer who is passionate about programming and developing some small gadgets. Working at Tencent.

Creator of ChatGPT AI 问答助手, Lottery 抽奖系统, 菜鸟新闻, 全链路监控中间件, 基于Hash的数据库分库分表组件 and others.

Dreaming up ideas and making them come true is where my passion lies. You can find my full projects list here.

Outside of programming, I enjoy doing photography and traveling. If you happen to be in the same city I live (currently in Xi|an), maybe we can hang out and take some photos or code together.