0.0.5 • Published 8 years ago

multipack v0.0.5

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Last release
8 years ago

multipack (alpha)

Monorepo package manager. Multipack wraps npm to work with dependencies declared in multiple package.json files. This is useful for monorepos: large projects composed of multiple related yet independent packages (definitions vary).

npm status node


  • Scans for nested packages in the working directory, so you're free to deviate from the convention to place packages in packages/.
  • Installs npm dependencies, either to the root node_modules or to a package's node_modules if there's a version conflict
  • Currently delegates installation to npm with a workaround that has an unfortunate side-effect: multipack i express behaves like npm i express && npm update. We're considering a move to ied or pnpm. Update: a rewrite is in the works, with a different install strategy.
  • Installs local dependencies (one monorepo package depending on another) as symbolic links, if the declared range matches the on-disk version. Otherwise, the package is installed from npm.
  • Has the ability to bundle a package with its dependencies for isolated usage



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