0.1.2 • Published 4 years ago

react-locked-input v0.1.2

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Last release
4 years ago


The basic idea here is to present a React based input component with locking ability, that can be consumed with projects built with 3 of the more popular UI libraries, Ant Design, React Bootstrap, and Material UI.


npm install --save react-locked-input

Include one of the modules in your project:

import { AntDLockedInput } from "./LockedInput";

And use it as such:

  label="Ant Design"
  placeholder="Locked Example"
  onChange={({ name, value }.event) => {
    console.log(`${name} has a value of ${value}`);

Currently AntDLockedInput, MuiLockedInput, RbsLockedInput are the three available components.


The API for all three components matches with the exceptions of the btnClass and btnType props. | Name | Type | Default | Description | | ---------------- | ---------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | btnClass | String | | Modifier class applied to the lock button (For Bootstrap component only). | | btnType | String | | One of classes, primary, secondary, success, warning, danger, info, light, dark, link, (For Bootstrap component only). | | disabled | Boolean | false | Input is disabled if true. | | iconLocked | Node | | Alternative icon for locked, overwrites default icon. | | iconUnlocked | Node | | Alternative icon for unlocked, overwrites default icon. | | id | String | | Unique identifier associated with input and passed down to children. | | label | String | | If provided displays as label above input. | | locked | Boolean | false | Sets inputs initial state as locked. | | name | String | | Unique name associated with input, used for accessibility and to cleanly identify input's data in upper levels of application. | | label | String | | If provided displays as label above input. | | onChange | Function | | Callback, returns value/name pairing and event. | | prepended | Boolean | true | If true prepends input with lock button, if false appends it. | | type | String | text | Sets type attribute on input element. One of date, datetime-local, email, file, month, number, password, tel, text, time, url, week. | | value | String | | Initial value sent to input. |


In the near future I would like to accomplish the following with this project:

  • Add support for Semantic UI
  • Expand upon accepted props, particularly providing a layout and error/warning props and further tightening and unification of all props.
  • Incorporate Storybook to run application rather than general start script.
  • Incorporate some unit tests and add Cypress testing to all functionality.
  • Look in to further reducing dependencies from these libraries.
  • Look in to centralizing file structures for the different components.
  • Look in to extending this component to work for Select inputs as well.

A note on components, I have chosen to move away from pulling in the direct libraries to reduce the size of project, rather using the markup and CSS directly for a leaner experience. Should I break these out to thier own components as a later point, I may revert back to the library reliance.

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.