1.0.0 • Published 5 months ago

strapi-github-projects v1.0.0

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Last release
5 months ago

Strapi plugin github-projects

This plugin allows you to generate "Projects" from your Github repositories to your strapi admin panel. This plugin is for showing your projects on your portfolio website. This plugin was a result of a step by step from Udemy- The Complete Strapi Course.


npm i strapi-plugin-github-projects or yarn add strapi-plugin-github-projects


In order to use this plugin you will need to generate a new personal Github token. After that, you will need to add it to your strapi admin project, environment variables at .env. The variable name should be GITHUB_TOKEN.

References and Thanks

I would like to thank Artcoded for the amazing course, Udemy- The Complete Strapi Course.