1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

mysql-friendly v1.0.2

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Last release
4 years ago



This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry.

Before installing, download and install Node.js.

If this is a brand new project, make sure to create a package.json first with the npm init command.

Installation is done using the npm install command:

$ npm install mysql-friendly


$ npm install https://github.com/jaimejosu3/mysql-friendly


  • Documented models
  • Direct connection to database schema
  • Easy implementation

Quick Start

Once the module is installed, it is necessary to configure the environment variables so that the module accesses the database. Please configure next enviroment variables:

process.env.DB_HOST //database host or ip
process.env.DB_USER //database username
process.env.DB_PASSWORD //database password
process.env.DB_NAME //database name 

Now you can run the command on any root of your project to build the models based on the database schema:

$ DB_HOST="<host>" \
DB_USER="<username>" \
DB_PASSWORD="<password>" \
DB_NAME="<database_name>" \
node -e 'require("mysql-friendly").buildModels();'

Ready. Now you can access all the models in your database and make queries as follows:


async () => {
  const models = require("mysql-friendly").models();
  //Assuming that the users table exists

  //Select * from users;
  let user = await models.users.select().get();
  //select first_name, last_name from users;
  let user = await models.users.select(["first_name","last_name"]).get();
  //select first_name from users where user_id = 1 or first_name like "%hon";
  let user = await models.users.select(["first_name"]).where("user_id","=",1).or("first_name","LIKE","%hon").get();
  //select * from users LIMIT 10,10;
  let user = await models.users.select().skip(10).limit(10).get();
  //Creating new user
  let newUser = models.users.make("Jhon","Doe");
  console.log(newUser.user_id); //null (primary key) is null because not exists on db, its only in memory
  console.log(newUser.first_name); //Jhon
  //For insert new user
  let resultOfInsert = await newUser.insert(); // returns an object of type user with user_id
  console.log(resultOfInsert.user_id); // 1
  //For updates
  //update users set first_name = "Pedro";
  let resultOfUpdates = await models.users.update().set("first_name","Pedro").execute();
  //update users set first_name = "Pedro" where user_id = 1;
  let resultOfUpdates = await models.users.update().set("first_name","Pedro").where("user_id","=",1).execute();

4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago