1.0.2 • Published 16 days ago

patepangdeui v1.0.2

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16 days ago

Calculating Lunar Eclipse In Certain Place

Calculating moon eclipses accurately requires astronomical libraries and complex celestial mechanics. However, here's a Node.js function using the astronomy-engine library (https://www.npmjs.com/package/astronomy-engine) to provide a basic indication of a potential lunar eclipse at a specific location.


  • The code imports the astronomy-engine library.
  • The checkLunarEclipse function takes latitude, longitude, and date as arguments.
  • It creates an Observer object representing the location.
  • It defines search options with a date range of one day before and after the given date.
  • It uses astronomy.searchLunarEclipse within a try-catch block to search for eclipses during that timeframe.
  • If an eclipse is found, the function returns true, otherwise false.
  • The example usage demonstrates calling the function with Jakarta coordinates and the current date.
  • It checks the result and logs a message accordingly.


  • This is a simplified approach and doesn't guarantee an actual eclipse.
  • It only indicates the possibility of an eclipse within a day.
  • Precise eclipse details (visibility, duration, etc.) require advanced calculations.

16 days ago


1 month ago


1 month ago