1508-cli v1.0.6
Will make adding new components easier to our webpack powered projects
Table of Contents
Since the tool is a cli, it needs to be installed globally to be of any real use
npm install -g 1508-cli
Start new project
To start a new project, with a clean boilerplate, you can just fire off
1508 init
But be sure to be in an empty folder, otherwise the command wont do anything.
If however you are in an empty folder, the tool will pull the latest version of the boilerplate.
To generate a new component, navigate to the root of the project, and run the following command
1508 component <name>
That will create the skeleton files needed for a basic component.
To generate a new filter, navigate to the root of the project, and run the following command
1508 filter <name>
That will create the skeleton files needed for a basic filter.
To generate a new service, navigate to the root of the project, and run the following command
1508 service <name>
That will create the skeleton files needed for a basic service.
Available features
To see all available options, run a 1508 --help