0.2.0 • Published 5 years ago
16x2-lcd-menu v0.2.0
Library to abstract Adafruit 16x2 Character LCD menus, favors configuration over code for creating menus and screen navigation.
Menu params
id: String, // -- identifier
name: String, // -- Name of template
enabled: Bool,
actions: {
up: func || string || null || undefined, // Action to perform on button up, function, or a string (string name of menu)
down: func || string || null || undefined, // if null, go up or down a line if template.length > 2
left: func || string || undefined, // undefined does nothing
right: func || string || undefined,
select: func || string || undefined
template: [String], // array of template string, line by line, since this is an x2 display we join 0 and 1 by \n
data: func // function to retrieve data
const LCDMENU = require('16x2-lcd-menu');
const lcdMenu = new LCDMENU(60, true); // timeout backlight after 60 seconds, debug on
id: 'testMenu',
name: 'Test Menu',
enabled: true,
actions: {
right: 'testMenu2',
template: [
'This is a',
'Test Menu',
'To the Demo',
id: 'testMenu2',
name: 'Test Menu',
enabled: true,
template: [
'Test Menu 2'
actions: {
left: 'testMenu',
process.on('exit', lcdMenu.close); // Cleanup
Raw access to instantiated lcd plate library
addMenu(Menu Object)
Adds a new menu
- if actions are not set, set it to an empty object (if it is truthy but not an object this could cause a crash)
- Defaults the id to match the name if an id is not set
- sets the first menu as the currentMenu (WIP)
removeMenu(String id)
Removes menu specified by id
- Does nothing if id not provided or menu with that id doesn't exist.
- fails if there are no more menus registered
enableMenu(String id)
Enables the specified menu
disableMenu(String id)
Disables the specified menu
setBacklight(Boolean state)
Turns the backlight on or off based on state (truthy)
- Times out the display backlight after the configured # of seconds has passed
- does nothing if timeoutMs is set to 0
displayTimeout set/get
- Set the display timeout in seconds.
- Doesn't auto-clear previous timer
activeMenu set/get
- Set re-renders the display if valid, if not valid, does nothing.
Initializes the display
- If no menu is configured, add a default one
- Turn on backlight
- Clears the screen
- Runs render menu
renderMenu(String id)
Renders provided or active menu, or 0 indexed menu if none provided
Clears the timeout so the screen backlight stays on.
- Shuts down screen
- Clears screen, turns off backlight, stops polling button presses