2.0.4 • Published 6 years ago

1mb-cli v2.0.4

Weekly downloads
Last release
6 years ago


1mb-cli is an NPM package that allows you to quickly and easily deploy content to static sites via your terminal. It was built to help improve and expand 1mbsite. Not only can it deploy content but it will auto minify all resources to save storage.


You can install 1mb-cli with the following command:

npm install --global 1mb-cli

Or you can download the latest tarball from the Releases page.


Cd into your websites directory and run 1mb-cli deploy. It will prompt you for your account username and api key and ask you if you'd like to cache them.

Upgrade Guide

If you're running a version of 1mb-cli older than 2.0.0 you can use the following command to upgrade:

npm install --global 1mb-cli

If you're using 2.0.0 or newer you can simply upgrade with 1mb-cli update

Note: The upgrade command will not work if you are using a tarball.

Optional Flags

--vuejsAuto build and deploy a React application. Note: you must be in the root directory of your application
--reactjsAuto build and deploy a React application. Note: you must be in the root directory of your application
--minifyMinify all HTML/CSS/JS files. Note: This flag is useless if the --vuejs or --reactjs flags are used with it
--clearcredsClear saved credentials and reauthenticate
--clear-filesClear all site resources currently on 1MB before deploying. Note: this param doesn't do anything when mixe with --vuejs or --reactjs because those params delete all resources.