1.0.1 • Published 7 years ago
23mofang-react-native-root-toast v1.0.1
- Pure javascript solution.
- Support both Android and iOS.
- Lots of custom options for Toast.
- You can show/hide Toast by calling api or using Component inside render.
npm install react-native-root-toast
Name | Default | Type | Description |
duration | Toast.durations.SHORT | Number | The duration of the toast. (Only for api calling method) |
visible | false | Bool | The visibility of toast. (Only for Toast Component) |
position | Toast.positions.BOTTOM | Number | The position of toast showing on screen (A negative number represents the distance from the bottom of screen. A positive number represents the distance form the top of screen. 0 will position the toast to the middle of screen.) |
animation | true | Bool | Should preform an animation on toast appearing or disappearing. |
shadow | true | Bool | Should drop shadow around Toast element. |
backgroundColor | null | String | The background color of the toast. |
shadowColor | null | String | The shadow color of the toast. |
textColor | null | String | The text color of the toast. |
delay | 0 | Number | The delay duration before toast start appearing on screen. |
hideOnPress | true | Bool | Should hide toast that appears by pressing on the toast. |
onShow | null | Function | Callback for toast`s appear animation start |
onShown | null | Function | Callback for toast`s appear animation end |
onHide | null | Function | Callback for toast`s hide animation start |
onHidden | null | Function | Callback for toast`s hide animation end |
presets of duration of the toast.
Toast.durations.SHORT (equals to 2000)
Toast.durations.LONG (equals to 3500)
presets of position of toast.
Toast.positions.TOP (equals to 20)
Toast.positions.BOTTOM (equals to -20)
Toast.positions.CENTER (equals to 0)
There are two different ways to manage a Toast.
Calling api
import Toast from 'react-native-root-toast';
// Add a Toast on screen.
let toast = Toast.show('This is a message', {
duration: Toast.durations.LONG,
position: Toast.positions.BOTTOM,
shadow: true,
animation: true,
hideOnPress: true,
delay: 0,
onShow: () => {
// calls on toast\`s appear animation start
onShown: () => {
// calls on toast\`s appear animation end.
onHide: () => {
// calls on toast\`s hide animation start.
onHidden: () => {
// calls on toast\`s hide animation end.
// You can manually hide the Toast, or it will automatically disappear after a `duration` ms timeout.
setTimeout(function () {
}, 500);
Using a Component
Showing a toast by using a Component inside render, The toast will be automatically disappeared when the <Toast />
is unmounted.
import React, {Component} from 'react-native';
import Toast from 'react-native-root-toast';
class Example extends Component{
constructor() {
this.state = {
visible: false
componentDidMount() {
setTimeout(() => this.setState({
visible: true
}), 2000); // show toast after 2s
setTimeout(() => this.setState({
visible: false
}), 5000); // hide toast after 5s
render() {
return <Toast
>This is a message</Toast>;
Run example:
cd ./Example
npm install
7 years ago