0.3.0 • Published 7 years ago

5th v0.3.0

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Last release
7 years ago


This project creates objects which anyone can use with another JavaScript-based 5th edition application to handle common use cases, like making a character, handling combat or even planning an encounter.


To use this library in your application, simply include it with npm:

npm i --save 5th

You will need to provide your own response handler, handler factory, entity gateway and gateway factory objects if required. They will need to respond to a specific set of methods. We will denote details here later.

Handler Factory

You must implement a single object in your codebase with a "make" method which takes a string and generates an object with a "handle" method which takes an object and operates on it. An example:

// HandlerFactory.js
const handlers = {
  'select race': {
    handle({ character }) {
      // do something with the character and its newly created race

module.exports = class {
  make(type) {
    if (!handlers.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
      // throw an error of some sort
    return handlers[type]