0.0.2 • Published 2 years ago
@0bdx/gen-class v0.0.2
Generates files containing JavaScript classes and unit tests, based on a JSON schema.
∅ Version: 0.0.2
∅ NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@0bdx/gen-class
∅ Repo: https://github.com/0bdx/gen-class
∅ Homepage: https://0bdx.com/gen-class
@TODO add an overview
Installation and usage
can be installed as dependency for programmatic use,
or as a command line app.
Installation and usage as a dev-dependency
npm install @0bdx/gen-class --save-dev
import genClass from '@0bdx/gen-class';
name: 'MyClass',
instance: {
scalars: [
{ isOk: { type: 'boolean' } }
Installation and usage as a command line app
Make a folder called 'my/src/classes/', and a file called 'basic-class.json':
"name": "MyClass",
"instance": {
"scalars": [
{ "isOk": { type: "boolean" } }
npm install @0bdx/gen-class --global
gen-class --help
gen-class --version
gen-class examples/example-1/basic-class.json --output examples/example-1
gen-class my-class-definitions.json --output my/src/classes/