0.0.8 • Published 2 years ago

@0xintuition/slang-cli v0.0.8

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Last release
2 years ago
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Web3 Backends Made Easy


  • slang composedb:generate : Generates ComposeDB composites, types, and a full-featured sql client for reads

more coming soon...

Using the Generator

  1. Install Slang globally

    npm install -g @0xintuition/slang-cli
  2. Fill in a .env file with the following content (replace with your info):

  3. Define a /schema folder at the root of your package/repository and add some schemas

    • All files must ordered in the way they are to be deployed (see the test package for example)

    • Dependent model id's can be referenced by using a template string with the model name EG: id: "${List}"

  4. Run a local ComposeDB instance

    npx @ceramicnetwork/cli daemon
    • Make sure that the admin did is set, for more details check out the composedb docs
  5. Run slang composedb:generate and you're off to the races!

Using the Client

Check out the code in __generated__/ after running the generator to see what's available.


Reads can be done by using the Prisma client included in the distributed client like so:

const client = new Client(...stuff)
const dbStuff = await client.prisma.myModelName.findMany(...moreStuff)

Since the stream_content column in the database is JSON, the resulting data is untyped. To parse this into a type-safe format, helper functions are included with each service that add a data field with the typed object. For example:

const client = new Client(...stuff)
const dbStuff = await client.prisma.myModelName.findMany(...moreStuff)
 * dbStuff = [
 * {
 *   stream_id: string,
 *   controller_did: string,
 *   stream_content: any,
 *  ...
 * }
 * ...]
const parsedDBStuff = dbStuff.map((s) => client.myModelNameService.parse(s))
 * dbStuff = [
 * {
 *   stream_id: string,
 *   controller_did: string,
 *   stream_content: any,
 *   data: MyModelType
 *  ...
 * }
 * ...]

I realize this is not ideal, however it will improve soon as Prisma has been dramatically improving JSON support.



Nice types are included to make this very simple. For example:

const client = new Client(...stuff)
const resp = await client.myModelNameService.create({
  content: {

Zod is used to validate the input fields and ensure they conform to the model schemas you defined.

Current Issues

  • SQLite's dynamic typing causes issues with reading integers that are greater than the 32bit max issue. This will cause problems with ComposeDB, however the Postgres backend works swimmingly!

Future Plans

  • Transpiled client code (currently output in typescript)

  • Add Lit command to generate relay code for interacting with PKP's + walletless onboarding

  • Add --encrypt flag to composedb:generate to automatically handle encrypting/decrypting ComposeDB data

  • Whatever else you might suggest!

Special Thanks