@168bj4/analytics-mtm v0.1.0
This plugin is used to install analytics functions for frontend nuxt projects, must used with /site.js included
Edit Plugin
npm install && npm run build
npm publish
Before Install
Must check the /site.js is included.
Step 1. For develop, you can create static/site.js as follow content. (Required)
var _jsvar = {};
_jsvar.siteId = 168;
_jsvar.siteType = 'forum';
_jsvar.siteLocale = 'zh_cn';
_jsvar.siteAnalyticsUrl = '{{ matomo url }}';
_jsvar.siteAnalyticsId = '{{ matomo tag manager id }}';
window._jsvar = _jsvar;
NUXT / Step 2. Install /site.js in nuxt.config (Required)
script: {
{ src: '/site.js' },
VUE-CLI / Step 2. Create site.js in public/site.js (Required)
Registry Setup
# Set URL for your scoped packages.
# For example package with name `@frontend/analytics-mtm` will use this URL for download
npm config set @frontend:registry https://{{ analytics_domain }}/api/v4/packages/npm/
# Add the token for the scoped packages URL. This will allow you to download
# `@frontend/` packages from private projects.
# You can find persion_token on your profile page, and replace the <your_token> as follow.
npm config set '//{{ analytics_domain }}/api/v4/packages/npm/:_authToken' "<your_token>"
NUXT Setup
After install the package, you should do things follow.
Step 1. Create plugin file name plugins/analytics.js (Required)
import Vue from 'vue';
import Analytics from '@frontend/analytics-mtm';
export default ({ app }) => {
const options = {
router: app.router,
user: app.store.state.user
Step 2. Setting analytics plugin in nuxt.config.js (Required)
** Plugins to load before mounting the App
** https://nuxtjs.org/guide/plugins
plugins: [
Step 3. On the page you want to track some event (Optional)
import Tracker from '@frontend/analytics-mtm';
## Example
Tracker.event('Envelope', 'click', 'button1', 1000);
After install the package, you should do things follow.
Step 1. Create file name src/analytics.js (Required)
import router from './router'
import store from './store'
import Analytics from '@frontend/analytics-mtm'
const options = {
router: router,
user: store.getters.userInfo
Step 2. Setting analytics import in src/main.js (Required)
import './analytics' // import analytics plugin
Step 3. On the page you want to track some event (Optional)
import Tracker from '@frontend/analytics-mtm';
## Example
* Example {'Event8 Name', data}
* data: {
* key: value,
* key2: value2,
* key3: [],
* }