1.0.2 • Published 1 month ago

@288-toolkit/component-loader v1.0.2

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Creates a function that allows you to import Svelte components dynamically and add them to a data object as a svelteComponent property.

It takes a DynamicImports array that contains objects of the following form:

	key: string;
	getImport: (entry) => void | Promise<SvelteComponent>;


The key property is a string describing the path, in dot notation, of the property you want dynamically imported components for on the data object passed to the loader.

For example:

  • The key for a modules property on an entry property on the data object would be entry.modules.
  • The key for a dynamicEntries property inside of a module would be entry.modules.dynamicEntries and so on.
  • An empty string represents the data object itself.


The getImport function receives the object corresponding to the key as an argument and returns the import() call for the component.

If the value of the key is an object, getImport is called for that object only, and he svelteComponent property is added directly to it.

If the value is an array of objects, getImport is called for every objects of the array, and the svelteComponent property is added to all of them.

!IMPORTANT Do NOT await the import, it will not work. The 'awaiting' happens later.

!IMPORTANT You can return null or undefined if you don't want to import anything. For example, if you know the entry will not have a component.

Because of how Vite processes dynamic imports, there are several limitations to keep in mind when writing the import path. They are listed here: https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/dynamic-import-vars#limitations.


import { createComponentLoader } from '@288-toolkit/component-loader';

const loadComponents = createComponentLoader([
		key: 'relatedItems',
		getImport: (entry: CardEntry) => import(`../cards/${entry.type}.svelte`)
	// Dynamically import all modules components
		key: 'entry.modules',
		getImport: (entry: ModuleEntry) => import(`../modules/${entry.section}.svelte`)
	// Dynamically import card components on a module
		key: 'entry.modules.cardItems',
		getImport: (entry: CardEntryInsideAModule) =>
	// The properties can be at any level
		key: 'entry.content.blocks.items.icons',
		getImport: (entry: IconEntry) => import(`../icons/${entry.iconName}.svelte`)

You can now load components from a universal load function:


import { loadComponents } from './loadComponents';

export const load = async (data) => {
	return loadComponents(data);

This component can then be rendered in the templates, usually with the ComponentSelector.svelte helper.


After having dynamically loaded the components, we need to render them. To do so, you can use the ComponentSelector.svelte component.

By default, ComponentSelector renders all components by passing them an entry prop corresponding to their associated data.

You can also use the default slot to render the components in any way you like. The slot receives the component and entry props.


<script lang="ts">
	import ComponentSelector from '@288-toolkit/component-loader';

	export let data;

	const { modules } = data.entry;

<ComponentSelector entries={modules} />

<ComponentSelector entries={modules} let:component let:entry>
		<svelte:component this={component} data={entry} darkMode />

1 month ago


2 months ago


2 months ago