0.0.9 • Published 6 years ago

@29ways/fewt v0.0.9

Weekly downloads
Last release
6 years ago


Version Downloads/week License

A simple command that uses puppeteer to request a URL and calculates the total volume of resources downloaded as a result.

The results are grouped by resource type. By default values are returned in KB.


fewt -u https://google.com

Url                Html  Num html Css    Num css Js     Num js Img     Num img Fonts  Num fonts All     Num all
https://google.com 66.84 5        0.00   0       285.24 4      49.36   5       0.00   0         401.44  14

You can request multiple URLs at the same time

fewt -u https://google.com https://github.com

Url                Html  Num html Css    Num css Js     Num js Img     Num img Fonts  Num fonts All     Num all
https://google.com 66.84 5        0.00   0       285.24 4      49.36   5       0.00   0         401.44  14
https://github.com 24.60 1        104.24 3       167.58 2      3331.59 40      314.28 2         3942.79 49


-uRequired. Use this to specify the URLs to test
-bReport in bytes rather than KB.
--csvOutput results in CSV format. This avoids truncation of long URLs and makes for easy pasting into a spreadsheet.

Built using oclif