2020.1.3 • Published 4 years ago

@4react/store v2020.1.3

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4 years ago

@4react / store

A Redux-like state container for React Applications.


This package is largely inspired by Redux. Please consider to support their work.


Import dependency

npm i @4react/store

Create Store

Use the createStore utility to create both the store provider and its corresponding consumer hook, passing the main reducer of the store to it.

import { createStore } from '@4react/store'

export const [ MyStore, useMyStore ] = createStore(myStoreReducer)

Provide Store

Use the store provider to provide the store down to your application.

import { MyStore } from 'myStore'

const App = () => {
  return (
      <MyComponent />

Use store

Use the store custom hook to retrieve store data and dispatch actions

const MyInnerComponent = () => {
  const { data, dispatch } = useMyStore()

  const onClick = () => {
     dispatch({ type: 'YOUR_ACTION' })

  return (
      <button onClick={onClick}>
        click here



Creates both a store provider and its corresponding hook.

Depending on the type of state management you want to implement, you can decide to keep a single global store, rather than creates multiple stores and provide them down to different sections of your application.

You can also use multiple nested stores for different manners.

createStore(reducer, [preloadedState], [enhancer])
reducerFunction-A reducing function that returns the next state, given the current state and an action.
preloadedStateanycomputedoptional. The initial state. If not specify the initial state is automatically computed from reducers state default value.
enhancerFunction-optional. The store enhancer. You may optionally specify it to enhance the store with third-party capabilities.

Returns an array containing 2 different elements: 1. The custom store provider (see Store Provider) 2. The custom consumer hook. (see Consumer Hook)

Store Provider

The Store Provider is used to provide global store to the entire application. It is most commonly used inside app main component.

const App = () => {
  return (
dataany-optional You can use this prop to force the providing of specific store data. It is most commonly used for testing purpose.

Consumer Hook

The Consumer Hook is used to retrieve both the actual store state and the dispatch function.

const { data, dispatch } = useMyStore()

const { data } = useMyStore(store => store.counter)
selectorFunction-optional Use to retrieve a custom section of the store state.
Return (object)TypeDescription
dataanyThe actual store state or a selection of it.
dispatchFunctionThe dispatch function, used to dispatch actions


Similar to Redux's combineReducers, it creates a new reducer starting from a map of reducers. The resulting function will be able to reduce a state with the same shape of the map of reducers passed to it.

const todos = combineReducers({
  all: allReducer,
  checked: checkedReducer

Arguments: 1. reducers (object): the map of reducers to be combined together. 2. [initialValue] (any): This parameter is optional. If not specify the state default value is automatically computed from reducers state default state value inside the passed map.

reducersobject<string,Function>-The map of reducers to be combined together.
initialValueanycomputedoptional If not specify, it is automatically computed from reducers default states value inside the passed map.