1.2.2 • Published 5 years ago
@a2d24/s3-diff v1.2.2
Get the diffs between a local file and a s3-folder.
npm install s3-diff --save
var s3diff = require('s3-diff');
aws: {
// aws-config
local: __dirname + '/my-folder-that-I-want-to-sync',
remote: {
bucket: 'name-of-s3-bucket',
prefix: 'name/of/folder/to/sync/on/s3'
// If recursive flag is set to true, s3-diff will recursively diff child
// folders as well as the top level folder.
recursive: false,
// optionaly set options to the glob-module,
// such as this
globOpts: {
dot: true
}, function (err, data) {
// data is an object with the following properties:
// changed: Files that have been changed - files that exists in both s3 & locally but are out of sync
// extra: Files that exists locally but not in s3
// missing: Files that exists in s3 but not locally
// keep: Files that exists both in s3 & locally and that are equal
5 years ago