1.1.2 • Published 2 years ago

@aaronmh/rollup-plugin-rebase v1.1.2

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Last release
2 years ago

Rollup Rebase

Forked from rollup-plugin-rebase. This just adds a few small options I needed. Please use the original author's version, as this is intended for a specific project's needs, and will change with the needs of that project.

Options (all optional)

  • assetFolder: When set assets are placed inside a sub folder with that name.
  • keepName: If true, generated filenames will be ${filename}~${hash}.${ext} instead of just ${hash}.${ext}
  • verbose: If true, increases log level
  • include: Standard include option for rollup plugins.
  • exclude: Standard exclude option for rollup plugins.
  • skipHash: Skips the step that adds a hash to the file names. Requires keepName.
  • includeScripts: Enabled script files to be rebased, as they are ignored by default.
  • flatten: Should the dir structure be flattened. Defaults to true
    • NOTE: If flatten is false, it will include the full folder structure from root by default.
  • buildFolderStructureFrom: If you're rebasing a single folder, have flatten set to false, and don't want the full path to be copied, specify the path of the folder (from root) that you want excluded from the final path.
    • Example. include is set to 'src/resources/images/**'. This option could be '/src/resources/images/'


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