1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

@aax/logger v1.0.2

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4 years ago


This library provides a class that logs events to the event logging API via MQ. This library also provides Express routes that can be implemented that will allow a front end to log events via its API.

Note - This is a private package on NPM and you will need to have access to the AAX repository and be logged into NPM within your terminal environment.

🔧 Installation

npm i @aax/logger

🎬 Getting started

The library has 5 static methods that align with the log levels handled by the Event Logger API. The only level that will be accessible by consumers is info.

import { Logger, Payload } from "@aax/logger";
const payload: Payload = {
  data: {
    event: "Joe Smith was added to Team Alpha",
    module: "employees",
    sector: "teams",
    reference: "1234-abcd-1234-abcd",
    updatedBy: {
      pass: "user from payload here..."
    snapshot: {
      snap: "shot",
      eg: "example"

A Payload type is exported from the library to be used as a type check for the payload passed to the method

Payload {
  data: {
    event: string;
    module: string;
    sector: string | null;
    reference: string;
    updatedBy: any;
    snapshot: any;
  • event - Friendly string for ease of consumption by end users
  • module - risks, interdependencies, employees, etc.
  • sector - Nullable, a specific area within the module, e.g. employees -> availability
  • reference - A reference to the logged event, e.g. risk id,
  • updatedBy - The JSON payload of the user's token the initiated update,
  • snapshot - Nullable, a JSON snapshot of the entity state before changes were applied


The library exports logRouter which provide endpoints for frontends to log items into the universal event log.

Note - Make sure you use the routes after initiating the JWT middleware else the routes will be accessible without authentication.

import logRouter from "@aax/logger/API";

const app = express();

app.use(logRouter); // Adds "/logger" to Express router.

GET /logger

Returns { status: "ok" } if routes have been successfully added and are working. Not necessary to query or use.

POST /logger

Expects Header Content-Type of JSON and same payload as the Logger class.

// In an Angular service...

const payload = {
  "data": {
        event: "Joe Smith was added to Team Alpha",
        module: "employees",
        sector: "teams",
        reference: "1234-abcd-1234-abcd",
        updatedBy: {
          pass: "user from payload here..."
        snapshot: {
          snap: "shot",
          eg: "example"
this._http.post('https://this.is.the.api/logger, payload);

4 years ago