@abcum/ember-helpers v4.2.1
A collection of helpers for Ember.js enabling advanced templating logic.
ember install @abcum/ember-helpers
Static helpers
Helper | HTMLBars | Result |
define | {{define this 'items' (reverse users)}} | this.set('items', ...) |
run | {{run (transition-to 'route') post}} | Runs an action with ability to uncurry arguments |
Action helpers
The action helpers enable a variety of advanced actions.
Helper | HTMLBars | Result |
alert | {{alert "Well hello" "there")}} | window.alert("Well hello there") |
call | {{some-component clicked=(call "log")}} | Calls method on route, and bubbles up |
chain | {{chain (action 'one') (action 'two')}} | one(args).then(two) |
check | {{check (action 'delete')}} | if (val) delete(); |
confirm | {{confirm "Are you sure?")}} | window.confirm("Are you sure?") |
console | {{console 'event-name' type='log'}} | console.log('event-name', ...) |
debounce | {{debounce (action 'increment') 500}} | Ember.run.debounce(...) |
invoke | {{#link-to 'index' invoke=(action 'save')}} | Changes route and invokes action |
modify | {{modify model item}} | model.set('selected', item) |
notify | {{notify "Title" "Body text"}} | new Notification(...) |
prompt | {{prompt "What is your name?")}} | window.prompt("What is your name?") |
queue | {{queue (action 'one') (action 'two')}} | one(args).then(() => two(args)) |
toggle | {{toggle this 'active'}} | this.toggleProperty('active') |
throttle | {{throttle (action 'increment') 500}} | Ember.run.throttle(...) |
uncurry | {{uncurry (transition-to 'route') post}} | Uncurries extra paramaters passed to the action |
Scroll helpers
The scroll helpers enable advanced document and block scroll positioning.
Helper | HTMLBars | Result |
remember-scroll | {{remember-scroll key='home'}} | Stores and sets the document body scroll position |
scroll-block | {{scroll-block key='posts'}} | Creates a div which remembers it's scroll position |
scroll-to | {{scroll-to position=1400}} | Scrolls to the specified position after an action |
Sorter helpers
The sorter helpers enable advanced sorting logic to extend the sort-by
Helper | HTMLBars | Result |
natural-sort | {{sort-by (natural-sort 'name') users}} | Uses current locale for natural sorting |
Event helpers
The event helpers enable manipulation of browser events.
Helper | HTMLBars | Result |
drag-get | {{drag-get 'text'}} | event.dataTransfer.getData('text') |
drag-set | {{drag-set 'text' data}} | event.dataTransfer.setData('text', data) |
drop-effect | {{drop-effect 'move'}} | event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move' |
effect-allowed | {{effect-allowed 'move'}} | event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move' |
prevent-default | {{prevent-default}} | event.preventDefault() |
stop-propagation | {{stop-propagation}} | event.stopPropagation() |
Router helpers
The router helpers enable a selection of router methods.
Helper | HTMLBars | Result |
is-active | {{if (is-active 'post')}} | if (this.get('router').isActive('post')) |
history-back | {{history-back}} | window.history.back() |
history-forward | {{history-forward}} | window.history.forward() |
open | {{open "https://abcum.com"}} | window.location.open(...) |
reload | {{reload}} | window.location.reload(...) |
transition-to | {{transition-to 'post' post.id}} | this.transitionTo('post', post.id) |
Object helpers
The array helpers enable advanced array logic and manipulation.
Helper | HTMLBars | Result |
group-by | {{group-by "category" products}} | products grouped by unique category |
invoke | {{invoke "save" user}} | save action called on user model |
match-by | {{match-by "name" "email" search person}} | true if name , or email contains search |
object-key | {{object-key "name" person}} | name property of person object |
Array helpers
The array helpers enable advanced array logic and manipulation.
Helper | HTMLBars | Result |
any-by | {{#if (any-by "isAdult" users)}} | if isAdult is truthy on any one of users |
append | {{#each (append users user)}} | users array with user appended |
array | {{#each (array 1 2 3 4 5)}} | [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] |
compact | {{#each (compact users)}} | users with null or undefined items removed |
contains | {{#if (contains user users)}} | if users contains user |
empty | {{#if (empty users)}} | if users is an empty array |
every-by | {{#if (every-by "isAdult" users)}} | if isAdult is truthy on every one of users |
filter | {{#each (filter (action 'check') users)}} | users where check action is truthy |
filter-by | {{#each (filter-by "isAdult" users)}} | users where isAdult is truthy |
find | {{#each (find (action 'check') users)}} | first of users where check action is truthy |
find-by | {{#each (find-by "isAdult" users)}} | first of users where isAdult is truthy |
first | {{first users)}} | first item of users |
flatten | {{#each (flatten multiarray)}} | flattened array of multiarray |
includes | {{#if (includes user users)}} | if users includes user |
intersect | {{#each (intersect admins users)}} | intersection of admins and users |
invoke | {{invoke "save" users}} | save action called on each model in users |
join | {{#each (join ", " tags)}} | Concatenates tags with the separator , |
last | {{last users)}} | last item of users |
map | {{#each (map (action 'getName') users)}} | users mapped to the getName callback |
map-by | {{#each (map-by "name" users)}} | users mapped to the name property |
object-at | {{object-at i users}} | item at position i in users |
objects-at | {{objects-at i j ... users}} | items at position i j ... in users |
omit | {{#each (omit 3 users)}} | users with first 3 models omitted |
prepend | {{#each (prepend users user)}} | users array with user prepended |
range | {{#each (range 1 5)}} | [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] |
reject | {{#each (reject (action 'check') users)}} | users where check action is falsy |
reject-by | {{#each (reject-by "isAdult" users)}} | users where isAdult is falsy |
reverse | {{#each (reverse users)}} | users in reverse order |
slice | {{#each (slice 0 5 users)}} | items 0 through 4 from users |
search-by | {{#each (search-by "name" search users)}} | users where name contains search |
sort-by | {{#each (sort-by "name:desc" users)}} | users sorted by name descending |
sort-locale-by | {{#each (sort-locale-by "age" users)}} | users locale sorted by age descending |
split | {{#each (split "/" "app/css/app.less")}} | ["app", "css", "app.less"] |
take | {{#each (take 3 users)}} | first 3 models from users |
union | {{#each (union admins users)}} | union of admins and users |
uniq | {{#each (uniq users)}} | unique items from users |
uniq-by | {{#each (uniq-by "email" users)}} | unique items by email in users |
w | {{#each (w "One Two Three" "Four")}} | ["One", "Two", "Three", "Four"] |
without | {{#each (without user users)}} | users array with user removed |
Promise helpers
The promise helpers enable working with models and promises.
Helper | HTMLBars | Result |
await | {{#if (await promise)}} | Waits for a promise to resolve |
is-fulfilled | {{#if (is-fulfilled promise)}} | Returns true when a promise is fulfilled |
is-loaded | {{#if (is-loaded model)}} | Returns true if the model is currently loaded |
is-pending | {{#if (is-pending promise)}} | Returns true if a promise is pending |
is-rejected | {{#if (is-rejected promise)}} | Returns true when a promise is rejected |
is-updating | {{#if (is-updating model)}} | Returns true if the model is currently updating |
rsvp-all | {{#if (await (rsvp-all tags places))}} | Promise which waits for all promises to resolve |
rsvp-hash | {{#if (await (rsvp-hash tags=tags))}} | Promise which waits for all promises to resolve |
rsvp-race | {{#if (await (rsvp-race tags places))}} | Promise which resolves with the fastest promise |
Format helpers
The format helpers enable easy formatting of different units.
Helper | HTMLBars | Result |
bytes | {{bytes 134186)}} | 1.34MB |
country | {{country "GBR"}} | United Kingdom |
convert | {{convert 1 from="GBP" to="EUR"}} | 1.1861095104682045 |
currency | {{currency "GBP"}} | £ |
duration | {{duration 1283719281 exact=false}} | 1.283719281s |
{{email "info@abcum.com"}} | info@abcum.com | |
linkify | {{linkify "Click https://abcum.com"}} | Click https://abcum.com |
md5 | {{md5 "info@abcum.com"}} | 2a14a47beb82beba88c705145d572702 |
money | {{money 10000 currency="GBP"}} | £10,000 |
number | {{number 134153 minimumFractionDigits=2}} | 13,415,53.00 |
percent | {{percent 0.3 minimumFractionDigits=2}} | 30.00% |
regexp | {{regexp "[a-zA-Z]*" "ig"}} | new RegExp('[a-zA-Z]*', 'ig') |
uuid | {{uuid}} | 2690242b-a1f9-47a0-9347-4ed8bc7f09a8 |
Input helpers
The input helpers enable complex regular expressions for easy input box validity checking.
Helper | HTMLBars | Result |
input-stars | {{input-stars min=1 max=5 value=3}} | A star rating input field |
pattern-alphanum | {{input pattern=(pattern-alphanum)}} | Allows a-zA-Z0-9-+ values |
pattern-country | {{input pattern=(pattern-country)}} | Allows ISO 3166 country codes |
pattern-currency | {{input pattern=(pattern-currency)}} | Allows ISO 4217 currency codes |
pattern-decimal | {{input pattern=(pattern-decimal)}} | Allows positive or negative decimals |
pattern-email | {{input pattern=(pattern-email)}} | Allows email addresses |
pattern-facebook | {{input pattern=(pattern-facebook)}} | Allows facebook usernames |
pattern-integer | {{input pattern=(pattern-integer)}} | Allows positive or negative integers |
pattern-letters | {{input pattern=(pattern-letters)}} | Allows only letter characters |
pattern-numbers | {{input pattern=(pattern-numbers)}} | Allows only numeric values |
pattern-phone | {{input pattern=(pattern-phone)}} | Allows phone numbers |
pattern-twitter | {{input pattern=(pattern-twitter)}} | Allows twitter handles |
pattern-url | {{input pattern=(pattern-url)}} | Allows urls |
Text helpers
The text helpers enable easy formatting of strings and text.
Helper | HTMLBars | Result |
camelize | {{camelize "this Is some TEXT"}} | thisIsSomeTEXT |
capitalize | {{capitalize "this Is some TEXT"}} | This Is some TEXT |
classify | {{classify "this Is some TEXT"}} | ThisIsSomeTEXT |
dasherize | {{dasherize "this Is some TEXT"}} | this-is-some-text |
lcwords | {{lcwords "this Is some TEXT"}} | this is some tEXT |
lowercase | {{lowercase "this Is some TEXT"}} | this is some text |
nl2br | {{lowercase "this Is \n some TEXT"}} | this Is <br> some TEXT |
replace | {{replace "this Is some TEXT" "Is" "Was"}} | this Was some TEXT |
slug | {{slug "this Is some 'TEXT'"}} | this-is-some-text |
sanitize | {{sanitize "this Is some TEXT"}} | Ember.String.htmlSafe('...') |
swapcase | {{swapcase "this Is some TEXT"}} | THIS iS SOME text |
titleize | {{titleize "this Is some TEXT"}} | This Is Some Text |
truncate | {{truncate "this Is some TEXT" 10}} | this Is so... |
ucwords | {{ucwords "this Is some TEXT"}} | This Is Some TEXT |
underscore | {{underscore "this Is some TEXT"}} | this_is_some_text |
uppercase | {{uppercase "this Is some TEXT"}} | THIS IS SOME TEXT |
Logic helpers
The logic helpers enable logic operations in handlebars statements.
Helper | HTMLBars | JavaScript equivalent |
and | {{if (and a b ...)}} | if (a && b && ...) |
begs-with | {{if (begs-with a b)}} | if (a.indexOf(b) === 0) |
ends-with | {{if (ends-with a b)}} | if (a.indexOf(b, a.length - b.length) !== -1) |
eq | {{if (eq a b)}} | if (a == b) |
gt | {{if (gt a b)}} | if (a > b) |
gte | {{if (gte a b)}} | if (a >= b) |
inside | {{if (inside a b)}} | if (a.indexOf(b) > -1) |
is | {{if (is a ...)}} | if (a === true ...) |
isnt | {{if (isnt a ...)}} | if (a !== true ...) |
ix | {{if (ix a ...)}} | if (a !== true ...) |
lt | {{if (lt a b)}} | if (a < b) |
lte | {{if (lte a b)}} | if (a <= b) |
ne | {{if (ne a b))}} | if (a !== b) |
not | {{if (not a b))}} | if (!a && !b && ...) |
or | {{if (or a b ...)}} | if (a || b || ...) |
present | {{if (present a ...)}} | if (Ember.isPresent(a) ...) |
xor | {{if (xor a b)}} | if (a && !b || !a && b) |
Math helpers
The math helpers enable maths calculations in handlebars statements.
Helper | HTMLBars | JavaScript equivalent |
add | {{add a b ...}} | a + b + ... |
ceil | {{ceil a}} | Math.ceil(a) |
dec | {{dec a}} | a - b ? b : 1 |
div | {{div a b ...}} | a / b / ... |
floor | {{floor a}} | Math.floor(a) |
inc | {{inc a}} | a + b ? b : 1 |
max | {{max a b c ...}} | Math.max([a, b, c, ...]) |
min | {{min a b c ...}} | Math.min([a, b, c, ...]) |
mod | {{mod a b ...}} | a % b % ... |
mult | {{mult a b ...}} | a * b * ... |
random | {{random a b}} | Math.random(a, b) |
round | {{round a}} | Math.round(a) |
sqrt | {{sqrt a}} | Math.sqrt(a) |
sub | {{sub a b ...}} | a - b - ... |
Callback helpers
Defines the given property on the given object.
{{define this 'reversed' (reverse users)}}
Allows an action to be called with specified arguments.
{{#my-component onclick=(run (transition-to 'posts.post' post))}}
View all posts
Or you can specify that any additional curried arguments will be ignored.
{{#my-component onclick=(run (transition-to 'posts.post' post) curry=false)}}
View all posts
Action helpers
Displays a window.alert
message as a result of an action on a component.
{{#my-component onsave=(alert 'The blog post' blog.title 'has been saved.')}}
Allows a method on the route to be called from a component.
{{#some-button clicked=(call "log" "Website")}}
Log this error
Enables chaining of a sequence of actions together to form a larger action, passing the result of each action to the next action.
{{#my-component onclick=(action (chain (action 'addBasket') (action 'goToPayment')) model)}}
Add to basket and pay
If any action in the chain returns a promise, then the chain will wait for the promise to return, and the return value will be piped into the next action. If the Promise rejects, the rest of the chain will be aborted.
Checks if a value (as a result of an action) is truthy before running the defined action.
Useful when chaining actions together to prevent an action from running if the previous action returned false.
{{#my-component onclick=(action (chain (confirm 'Are you sure?') (check (action 'delete' model))))}}
Delete this item
Displays a window.confirm
message as a result of an action on a component.
{{#my-component onclick=(confirm 'Are you sure you want to delete the blog post' blog.title '?')}}
Enables logging any passed or curried paramaters to the console
, as a result of an action on a component.
{{#my-component onclick=(console 'clicked')}}
Add to basket and pay
Or you can specify which console
logging type should be used to display the message. The different possible types are trace
, debug
, info
, log
, warn
, error
{{#my-component onclick=(console 'clicked' type='warn')}}
Add to basket and pay
Ensures an action is triggered only once during the specified time.
{{#my-component onclick=(debounce (action 'increment') 1000)}}
Allows an action to be called while transitioning to another route with link-to
{{#link-to "index" invoke="save"}}
Save and go back
Or you can use a closure action instead of a action name.
{{#link-to "index" invoke=(action "save")}}
Save and go back
Or you can add action parameters to be passed to the invoked action.
{{#link-to "index" invoke=(action "save" firstname lastname)}}
Save and go back
Modifies the current selection of the given array with the curried item object.
{{#my-component onselect=(modify this model)}}
export default Ember.Component.extend({
click() {
this.sendAction('onselect', item);
Or toggle a selected item by passing the selected object and a toggle
export default Ember.Component.extend({
click() {
this.sendAction('onselect', item, { toggle:true, retain: true });
Or select a range of items by passing the selected object and a range
export default Ember.Component.extend({
click() {
this.sendAction('onselect', item, { range:true, retain: true });
Or to use a specific key on the controller within which the selection will be stored.
{{#my-component onselect=(modify this model key='selected')}}
Displays a notification as a result of an action on a component.
{{#my-component onsave=(notify "Thanks" "The blog post data has been saved.")}}
Displays a window.prompt
message as a result of an action on a component.
{{#my-component ask-name=(prompt 'What is your name?')}}
Enables queuing of a sequence of actions together to form a larger action, passing the original arguments to each action.
{{#my-component onclick=(action (queue (action 'addBasket') (action 'goToPayment')) model)}}
Add to basket and pay
If any action in the queue returns a promise, then the queue will wait for the promise to return, before moving onto the next action. If the Promise rejects, the rest of the queue will be aborted.
Toggles the primary argument as a boolean value.
{{#my-component onclick=(toggle this 'isEnabled')}}
{{#if isEnabled}}Disable{{else}}Enable{{/if}}
Or you can toggle between specific values the primary argument as a boolean value.
{{#my-component onclick=(toggle this 'view' 'landscape' 'portrait')}}
{{#if (eq view "landscape")}}Switch to portrait{{else}}Switch to landscape{{/if}}
Waits for the specified time before running an action, discarding all events in the meantime.
{{#my-component onclick=(throttle (action 'increment') 1000)}}
Allows an action to be called with specified arguments, whilst ignoring any curried arguments.
{{#my-component onclick=(uncurry (transition-to 'posts.post' post))}}
View all posts
Scroll helpers
Stores and sets the page scroll position of the page.
Or remember the scroll position of individual pages with named keys.
{{remember-scroll key=(concat 'posts-' model.id)}}
Specify a scrollable area, and remember the scroll position across routes with named keys.
{{#scroll-block key=(concat 'post-comments-' model.id)}}
Scrollable Area
Scroll to a specified position from the top of the page.
{{#my-component onclick=(scroll-to position=1600)}}
Scroll down
Or scroll to a specific element on the page.
{{#my-component onclick=(scroll-to element='#footer')}}
Scroll to footer
Or animate the scrolling by specifying the number of milliseconds.
{{#my-component onclick=(scroll-to element='#footer' duration=2000)}}
Scroll to footer slowly
Sorter helpers
Sorts the given array using a natural sort order with the current locale.
{{#each (sort-by (natural-sort "name") people) as |person|}}
{{!-- All people sorted by name ascending --}}
You can also pass asc
or desc
suffixes to specify sort ordering.
{{#each (sort-by (natural-sort "name:desc") people) as |person|}}
{{!-- All people sorted by name descending --}}
Or you can specify that numeric collation should be used when sorting.
{{#each (sort-by (natural-sort "name" numeric=true) people) as |person|}}
{{!-- All people sorted by name with numbers sorting correctly --}}
Or you can specify that punctuation should be ignored when sorting.
{{#each (sort-by (natural-sort "name" ignorePunctuation=false) people) as |person|}}
{{!-- All people sorted by name with punctuation ignored --}}
Or you can specify which case should sort first.
Possible values are lower
, upper
, or false
{{#each (sort-by (natural-sort "name" caseFirst='upper') people) as |person|}}
{{!-- All people sorted by name with upper case ordered first --}}
Or you can specify the sensitivity of the locale sort algorithm.
Possible values are case
, accent
, variant
, or base
{{#each (sort-by (natural-sort "name" sensitivity='case') people) as |person|}}
{{!-- All people sorted by name with specifc sensitivity case ordering --}}
Action helpers
Gets metadata from the browser event dataTransfer object.
{{#my-component ondrop=(drag-get 'plain/text')}}
Droppable Area
Or you can use the application/json
mime-type to get the data as an object.
{{#my-component ondrop=(drag-get 'application/json')}}
Droppable Area
Or use the chain
helper to chain multiple actions together to complete the drag-and-drop functionality.
{{#my-component ondrop=(chain (prevent-default) (drag-get 'plain/text') (action 'droppedItem'))}}
Droppable Area
Set custom metadata on the browser event dataTransfer object.
{{#my-component draggable="true" ondragstart=(drag-set 'plain/text' 'text data')}}
Draggable Item
Or you can use the application/json
mime-type to set the data as an object.
{{#my-component draggable="true" ondragstart=(drag-set 'application/json' (hash id=1 type='card'))}}
Draggable Item
Or use the chain
helper to chain multiple actions together to complete the drag-and-drop functionality.
{{#my-component draggable="true" ondragstart=(chain (drop-effect 'move') (effect-allowed 'move') (drag-set 'plain/text' 'text data'))}}
Draggable Item
Specifies the dropEffect
property on the event dataTransfer object.
{{#my-component draggable="true" ondragstart=(drop-effect 'move')}}
Draggable Item
Specifies the effectAllowed
property on the event dataTransfer object.
{{#my-component draggable="true" ondragstart=(effect-allowed 'move')}}
Draggable Item
Runs the preventDefault
method on the event handler object.
{{#my-component draggable="true" ondragstart=(prevent-default)}}
Draggable Item
Runs the stopPropagation
method on the event handler object.
{{#my-component draggable="true" ondragstart=(stop-propagation)}}
Draggable Item
Router helpers
Detects whether a specific route is active or not.
{{#if (is-active 'basket')}}
My Basket
Calls window.history.back()
to reverse one position in the browser history.
{{my-component onkeypress=(history-back)}}
Calls window.history.forward()
to advance one position in the browser history.
{{my-component onkeypress=(history-forward)}}
Calls window.open()
enabling opening a new browser tab or window from an action on a component.
{{my-component onkeypress=(open "https://github.com/" "abcum/ember-helpers" width=1200 height=600 center=true)}}
Calls window.location.reload()
enabling reloading the page, or changing the url from an action on a component.
{{my-component onkeypress=(reload)}}
Allows the route to be changed from an action on a component, similar to link-to
{{#my-component onclick=(transition-to "basket" sort=true)}}
Go to basket
Object helpers
Groups items in a given array by the given path.
{{#each-in (group-by "category" products) as |category products|}}
- {{category}}
{{#each products as |product|}}
{{!-- Products grouped by category--}}
Returns true if the given properties contain the given value.
{{input type="text" value=search}}
{{#if (match-by "firstname" "lastname" search person)}}
{{!-- The firstname or lastname field contains search --}}
You can also use an array containing the properties to search.
{{input type="text" value=search}}
{{input-select value=fields options=(array "firstname" "lastname")}}
{{#if (match-by fields search person)}}
{{!-- The firstname or lastname field contains search --}}
Extracts the property from the given object.
{{object-key "name" person}}
Array helpers
Checks whether the given property is true
on any item in a given array.
{{#if (any-by "isAdult" people)}}
{{!-- At least one of people has isAdult === true --}}
Or if given property is equal to the given value on any item in a given array.
{{#if (any-by "isChild" false people)}}
{{!-- At least one of people has isChild === false --}}
Appends each given array to the previous given arrays, resulting in a single flat array.
{{#each (append user users) as |person|}}
{{!-- Flat array of user and users --}}
Lets you create arrays directly in the template.
{{#each (array 1 2 3 4 5) as |step|}}
- Step {{step}} is ...
Removes empty values from the given array.
{{#each (compact people) as |person|}}
{{!-- All with no null or undefined items --}}
Checks to see if an array is empty.
{{#if (empty people)}}
No people exists...
Checks whether the given property is true
on every item in a given array.
{{#if (every-by "isAdult" people)}}
{{!-- All people have isAdult === true --}}
Or if given property is equal to the given value on every item in a given array.
{{#if (every-by "isChild" false people)}}
{{!-- All people have isChild === false --}}
Returns the given array filtered by a callback.
{{#each (filter (action "checkAdult") people) as |adult|}}
{{!-- All where checkAdult action is truthy --}}
Returns the given array filtered by a property.
{{#each (filter-by "isAdult" people) as |adult|}}
{{!-- All where isAdult is truthy --}}
Returns the given array filtered by a property.
{{#each (filter-by "isChild" false people) as |adult|}}
{{!-- All where isChild is false --}}
You can also pass an action as second argument.
{{#each (filter-by (gt 18 (object-key "age")) people) as |adult|}}
{{!-- All where age is greater than 18 --}}
Returns the first entry matching the given callback from the given array.
{{#with (find (action "checkAdult") people) as |adult|}}
{{!-- The first item where isAdult is truthy. --}}
Returns the first entry matching the given value from the given array.
{{#with (find-by "isAdult" people) as |adult|}}
{{!-- The first item where isAdult is truthy. --}}
Returns the first entry matching the given value from the given array.
{{#with (find-by "isChild" false people) as |adult|}}
{{!-- The first item where isChild is false. --}}
You can also pass an action as second argument.
{{#with (find-by (gt 18 (object-key "age")) people) as |adult|}}
{{!-- The first item where age is greater than 18 --}}
Returns the first object of the given array.
{{#with (first people) as |person|}}
{{!-- The first person --}}
Returns a flattened array from the given array.
let array = [ [1], [2], [3] ];
{{#each (flatten array) as |step|}}
- Step {{step}} is ...
Checks to see if an array includes an object.
{{#if (includes selectedPerson people)}}
selectedPerson exists within people...
Or if an array includes an array of objects.
{{#if (includes selectedPeople people)}}
selectedPeople exist within people...
Calls a method on an object.
{{#each users as |user|}}
<button {{action (invoke "save" user)}}>Save</button>
Or on each item in an array.
<button {{action (invoke "save" users)}}>Save</button>
Returns an array of unique items which are present in all given arrays.
{{#each (intersect users admins) as |testers|}}
{{!-- All who are in both users and admins --}}
Concatenates the given array with an optional separator.
{{join (array "tag1" "tag2" "tag3")}} {{!-- "tag1 tag2 tag3" --}}
You can use an optional separator.
{{join ", " (array "tag1" "tag2" "tag3")}} {{!-- "tag1, tag2, tag3" --}}
Returns the last object of the given array.
{{#with (last people) as |person|}}
{{!-- The last person --}}
Returns the given array mapped to the given callback.
{{#each (map (action "getName") users) as |name|}}
Returns the given array mapped to the given property.
{{#each (map-by "name" users) as |name|}}
Returns the object at the given index
of an array.
{{#with (object-at 1 people) as |person|}}
{{!-- The 1st person --}}
Returns the object at the given indexes
of an array.
{{#each (objects-at 1 3 5 people) as |person|}}
{{!-- The 1st, 3rd, 5th people --}}
Returns the given array with the first count
items omitted.
{{#each (omit 3 people) as |person|}}
{{!-- All except the first 3 people --}}
Prepends each given array to the previous given arrays, resulting in a single flat array.
{{#each (prepend user users) as |person|}}
{{!-- Flat array of users and user --}}
Creates an array whose contents is a range of numbers between min and max.
{{#each (range 10 20) as |step|}}
Returns the given array filtered by a callback.
{{#each (reject (action "checkAdult") people) as |child|}}
{{!-- All except where checkAdult action is truthy --}}
Returns the given array omitting those matching the property.
{{#each (reject-by "isAdult" people) as |child|}}
{{!-- All except where isAdult is truthy --}}
Returns the given array omitting those matching the property.
{{#each (reject-by "isChild" false people) as |child|}}
{{!-- All except where isChild is false --}}
You can also pass an action as second argument.
{{#each (reject-by (gt 18 (object-key "age")) people) as |child|}}
{{!-- All except where age is greater than 18 --}}
Rearranges the array in reverse order.
{{#each (reverse users) as |user|}}
{{!-- All in reverse order --}}
Returns a slice of the given array.
{{#each (slice 0 5 people) as |person|}}
{{!-- Only the first 5 people --}}
Returns the given array where the given properties contain the given value.
{{input type="text" value=search}}
{{#each (search-by "firstname" "lastname" search people) as |person|}}
{{!-- All where firstname or lastname contains search --}}
You can also use an array containing the properties to search.
{{input type="text" value=search}}
{{input-select value=fields options=(array "firstname" "lastname")}}
{{#each (search-by fields search people) as |person|}}
{{!-- All where firstname or lastname contains search --}}
Returns the given array sorted by the defined properties.
{{#each (sort-by "age:asc" people) as |person|}}
{{!-- All people sorted by age ascending --}}
You can also pass an action as second argument.
{{#each (sort-by (action "mySortAction") people) as |person|}}
{{!-- All people sorted by the custom sorting action --}}
Returns the given array sorted by the defined properties.
{{#each (sort-locale-by "name:asc" people) as |person|}}
{{!-- All people sorted by name ascending --}}
You can also pass asc
or desc
suffixes to specify sort ordering.
{{#each (sort-locale-by "name:desc" people) as |person|}}
{{!-- All people sorted by name descending --}}
Or you can specify that numeric collation should be used when sorting.
{{#each (sort-locale-by "age" people numeric=true) as |person|}}
{{!-- All people sorted by age with numbers sorting correctly --}}
Or you can specify that punctuation should be ignored when sorting.
{{#each (sort-locale-by "name" people ignorePunctuation=false) as |person|}}
{{!-- All people sorted by name with punctuation ignored --}}
Or you can specify which case should sort first.
Possible values are lower
, upper
, or false
{{#each (sort-locale-by "name" people caseFirst='upper') as |person|}}
{{!-- All people sorted by name with upper case ordered first --}}
Or you can specify the sensitivity of the locale sort algorithm.
Possible values are case
, accent
, variant
, or base
{{#each (sort-locale-by "name" people sensitivity='case') as |person|}}
{{!-- All people sorted by name with specifc sensitivity case ordering --}}
Splits a string/strings on a character and returns an array.
{{#each (split "/" "app/styles/sub/main.js") as |directory|}}
{{!-- Array of directories without / character --}}
Returns the given array with the first count
items only.
{{#each (take 3 people) as |person|}}
{{!-- Only the first 3 people --}}
Returns an array of unique items from all of the given arrays.
{{#each (union users admins) as |person|}}
{{!-- Unique users and admins --}}
Returns an array of unique items from all of the given arrays.
{{#each (uniq users admins) as |person|}}
{{!-- Unique users and admins --}}
Returns an array of unique items, compared using the given property, from the given array.
{{#each (uniq-by "email" users) as |person|}}
{{!-- Unique users by email --}}
Splits a string/strings on whitespace or turns multiple words into an array.
{{#each (w "First Second" "Third") as |step|}}
- Step {{step}} is ...
Returns the given array without the given item or items.
{{#each (without selectedusers users) as |user|}}
{{!-- All users who are not in selectedusers --}}
Promise helpers
Waits for a promise to resolve, and passes the promise contents to the helper.
If the author
exists, but the promise has not yet been loaded, then the template will render anyway.
{{#if (await post.author)}}
{{get (await post.author) 'fullname'}}
This post has no author.
Returns true when a promise is fulfilled.
{{#if (is-fulfilled post.author)}}
The relationship promise has been fulfilled.
Returns true if the ember-data
model is currently loading.
{{#if (is-loaded posts)}}
The route model has loaded.
Returns true if a promise is pending.
{{#if (is-pending post.author)}}
The relationship promise is still pending.
Returns true when a promise is rejected.
{{#if (is-rejected post.author)}}
The relationship promise has been rejected.
Returns true if the ember-data
model is currently updating.
{{#if (is-updating posts)}}
The route model is currently updating.
Returns a new promise which is fulfilled when all the given promises have been fulfilled, or rejected if any of them become rejected. The returned value is an array of fulfillment values for the passed in promises.
{{#if (is-pending (rsvp-all model.tags model.comments))}}
Tags and comments are loading...
Returns a new promise which is fulfilled when all the given promises have been fulfilled, or rejected if any of them become rejected. The returned promise is fulfilled with a hash that has the same key names as the promises object argument.
{{#with (await (rsvp-hash tags=model.tags comments=model.comments)) as |data|}}
There are {{data.tags.length}} tags and {{data.comments.length}} comments.
Returns a new promise which is fulfilled when the first promise to be fulfilled is resolved. The returned value is the value of the first fulfilled promise.
{{#with (await (rsvp-race model.tags model.comments)) as |data|}}
We are displaying the data which resolved fastest.
make install
(install bower and ember-cli dependencies)make upgrade
(upgrade ember-cli to the specified version)make tests
(run all tests defined in the package)
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