1.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

@acctglobal/skeleton v1.0.0

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Last release
2 years ago


yarn add @acctglobal/skeleton
npm install @acctglobal/skeleton
import { Skeleton } from '@acctglobal/skeleton'
import '@acctglobal/skeleton/src/styles/animation.css' // Import if you want to use animation prop

<Skeleton /> // Simple, single-line loading skeleton
<Skeleton count={5} /> // Five-lines loading skeleton
<Skeleton table={ rows: 4, columns: 4 } /> // Four-rows and four-columns loading skeleton table
<Skeleton responsiveImage={{ srcWidth: 1280, srcHeight: 650 }} /> // A fake responsive image with 1280px x 650px originally

Pre-defined classes

The Skeleton can be fully customized from props. But if you want something even more specific, you can use the predefined classes. Are they:

  • skeleton-container (the outermost level of skeleton);
  • skeleton-wrapper (the wrappers generated from the prop count);
  • skeleton-table (the table generated from the prop table);
  • skeleton-animation (the div generated from the prop animation).

Props Reference

All props are optional

widthnumber - stringSets the width of the container/wrapper/table
heightnumber - string1emSets the height of the container/wrapper
marginnumber - 'auto'Sets the margin of container/wrapper/cell table
paddingnumberSets the padding of container/wrapper
borderbooleanActivate the border in container/wrapper/cell table
borderColorstring#000Sets the border color
borderRadiusnumberSets the border radius
circlebooleanSets the border radius in50%
backgroundColorstring#cccSets the background color
colorstring#000Sets the color of placeholder
cursorbooleanSets the cursor for progress
placeholderstringSets the placeholder in container/wrapper
placeholderPosition{horizontal:left-center-right , vertical:top-center-bottom}Sets the position of placeholder
animationbooleanActivate the loading animation
animationColorstring#dddSets the loading color animation
animationDurationnumber3000Sets the time (ms) for the animation complete a cycle
countnumberSets the amount of wrappers that will be render
responsiveImage{srcWidth:number , srcHeight:number} - {srcWidth:number , srcHeight:number , breakIn?:number}Sets a responsive image with the defined height and width. It also accepts an array with several images with defined breakpoints. For SSR use the next prop
responsiveImageSSR{srcWidth:number , srcHeight:number}Sets a responsive image with the defined height and width
table{rows:number , columns:number}Sets the number of rows and columns in the table


Wrappers in Skeleton

The default height of wrappers is 1em, but you can change using the prop height.

const BlogPost = (props) => {
  return (
        {props.title || (
            placeholderPosition={{ horizontal: 'center', vertical: 'center' }}
      {props.body || <Skeleton count={10} animation />}

Table in Skeleton

Generate tables while yours does not load:

const BlogPost = (props) => {
  return props.myCells.lenght > 0 ? (
  ) : (
    <Skeleton table={{ rows: 3, columns: 3 }} animation />

Responsive Images in Skeleton

You can also generate several responsive images, with defined breakpoints (no limits for the number of responsive images):

const BlogPost = (props) => {
  return props.image ? (
        props.myScreenWidth <= 768 ? props.image.mobile : props.image.desktop
  ) : (
        { srcWidth: 400, srcHeight: 300, breakIn: 768 },
        { srcWidth: 1980, srcHeight: 720 }

If you are using SSR and need to render different images for each viewport type, you can render multiple skeletons and style them with css. it's not possible to use the user's screen size in the SSR, but using the media query it works normally. Follow this example:

import './style.scss'

const BlogPost = (props) => {
  if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
    return (
      <div className="loading">
        <Skeleton responsiveImageSSR={{ srcWidth: 320, srcHeight: 212 }} />
        <Skeleton responsiveImageSSR={{ srcWidth: 1920, srcHeight: 632 }} />

  if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
    return (
        src={width < 768 ? props.image.mobile : props.image.desktop}
.loading {
  .skeleton-container:nth-child(1) {
    @media (min-width: 768px) {
      display: none;

  .skeleton-container:nth-child(2) {
    @media (max-width: 767px) {
      display: none;

The props placeholderPosition ~and animation~ don't working corretly with SSR. Wait for more atts. Animation working with SSR.