0.3.9 • Published 2 months ago

@actions/languageserver v0.3.9

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Last release
2 months ago


actions-languageserver hosts the actions-languageservice and makes it available via the language server protocol (LSP) as a standalone language server.


The package contains TypeScript types and compiled ECMAScript modules.

npm install @actions/languageserver


Basic usage using vscode-languageserver-node

For the server, import the module. It detects whether it's running in a Node.js environment or a web worker and initializes the appropriate connection.


import "@actions/languageserver";

For the client, create a new LanguageClient pointing to the server module.


import {LanguageClient, ServerOptions, TransportKind} from "vscode-languageclient/node";

const debugOptions = {execArgv: ["--nolazy", "--inspect=6010"]};

const clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
  documentSelector: [{
    pattern: "**/.github/workflows/*.{yaml,yml}"

const serverModule = context.asAbsolutePath(path.join("dist", "server.js"));
const serverOptions: ServerOptions = {
  run: {module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc},
  debug: {
    module: serverModule,
    transport: TransportKind.ipc,
    options: debugOptions

const client = new LanguageClient("actions-language", "GitHub Actions Language Server", serverOptions, clientOptions);

From a web worker

See ../browser-playground for an example implementation that hosts the language server in a web worker.

Providing advanced functionality

The language server accepts initialization options that can be used to configure additional functionality. If you pass in a github.com sessionToken, the language service will use data from github.com to perform additional validations and provide additional auto-completion suggestions.

export interface InitializationOptions {
   * GitHub token that will be used to retrieve additional information from github.com
   * Requires the `repo` and `workflow` scopes
  sessionToken?: string;

   * List of repositories that the language server should be aware of
  repos?: RepositoryContext[];

   * Desired log level
  logLevel?: LogLevel;

pass the initializationOptions to the LanguageClient when establishing the connection:

const clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
  documentSelector: [{
    pattern: "**/.github/workflows/*.{yaml,yml}"
  initializationOptions: initializationOptions

const client = new LanguageClient("actions-language", "GitHub Actions Language Server", serverOptions, clientOptions);


See CONTRIBUTING.md at the root of the repository for general guidelines and recommendations.

If you do want to contribute, please run prettier to format your code and add unit tests as appropriate before submitting your PR.


npm run build

or to watch for changes

npm run watch


npm test

or to watch for changes and run tests:

npm run test-watch


npm run format-check


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT open source license. Please refer to MIT for the full terms.