0.3.0 • Published 1 year ago

@adityasinghal26/plugin-oracle-cloud-backend v0.3.0

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1 year ago

Oracle Cloud Backend Plugin

A backend plugin implementation to connect to the Oracle Cloud API.

Setup into a Backstage Instance

The plugin needs to be configured and then installed as per the steps in following section.


The Oracle Cloud plugin allows either single or multiple Oracle Cloud tenancies, allowing to trigger REST APIs with the tenancy and profile name. The tenancy name (tenancyName) and the profile name (profile) in the API query parameters is optional, which if not provided, will utilise the default tenancy and the profile in the configuration.

Oracle Configuration File

Below is a sample reference for Oracle configuration file. Here, the profile name is in square brackets '[]' and other details such as user ID, tenancy ID and region can be configured. You will also need to provide a path to your private PEM file for authentication.

Note: It is advised to create one config file for each tenancy where different profiles such as DEFAULT, and test (in this example) can be configured with different users and regions.



Single Configuration

  configFilePath: ./config
  defaultProfile: test

Multiple Configurations

  configFilePath: ./config
  defaultProfile: test
  - tenancyName: companyA
    configFilePath: ./configA
    defaultProfile: profileA1
  - tenancyName: companyB
    configFilePath: ./configB
    defaultProfile: profileB1

Sample API to get tenancy details based on tenancy and profile configurations

If the query parameters tenancyName and profile are omitted or left empty, the plugin will consider the default values for both tenancy and profile configuration.

curl --location 'http://localhost:7007/api/oracle-cloud/identity/tenancy?tenancyName=companyA&profile=profileA1'

Up and Running

Follow the below steps and integrate Oracle Cloud Backend plugin into your Backstage instance.

  1. First we need to add the @backstage/plugin-oracle-cloud-backend package to your backend:

    # From your Backstage root directory
    yarn add --cwd packages/backend @adityasinghal26/plugin-oracle-cloud-backend
  2. Then we will create a new file named packages/backend/src/plugins/oracle-cloud.ts, and add the following to it:

    import { createRouter } from '@adityasinghal26/plugin-oracle-cloud-backend';
    import { Router } from 'express';
    import type { PluginEnvironment } from '../types';
    export default function createPlugin(
      env: PluginEnvironment,
    ): Promise<Router> {
      return createRouter({
        logger: env.logger,
        config: env.config,
  3. Next we wire this into the overall backend router, edit packages/backend/src/index.ts:

    import oracleCloud from './plugins/oracle-cloud';
    // ...
    async function main() {
      // ...
      // Add this line under the other lines that follow the useHotMemoize pattern
      const oracleEnv = useHotMemoize(module, () => createEnv('oracleCloud'));
      // ...
      // Insert this line under the other lines that add their routers to apiRouter in the same way
      apiRouter.use('/oracle-cloud', await oracleCloud(oracleEnv));
  4. Now run yarn start-backend from the repo root

  5. Finally open http://localhost:7007/api/oracle-cloud/health in a browser/or from Postman and it should return {"status":"ok"}

New Backend System

The Oracle Cloud Backend plugin does not support the new backend system currently. The plugin will be extended to support the same in upcoming versions.