5.2.0 • Published 5 months ago

@adobe/asset-compute-client v5.2.0

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5 months ago

Adobe Asset Compute Client

Version License Travis


Javascript client for the Adobe Asset Compute Service. Currently only tested with Nodejs. The Javascript API is separated in 3 parts:

  • AssetCompute - A light-weight wrapper around the AssetCompute API.
  • AssetComputeEventEmitter - Listens to an I/O event journal and converts the events to rendition_created and rendition_failed events.
  • AssetComputeClient - A higher level client that provides a simpler API
    • by default, uses node-fetch-retry for retrying on other HTTP responses
    • by default, provides custom, smarter retry behavior on HTTP status code 429 (Too many requests).

AssetComputeClient has the following capabilities:

  • Fully initialize Asset Compute through a previously provisioned integration
  • Listens to I/O events on the integration
  • Invoke Asset Compute process asynchronously
  • Wait for a single Asset Compute process request to finish (default timeout is 60s)
  • Wait for all Asset Compute process requests to finish (default timeout is 60s)

retry has the following capabilities:

  • additional features to retry on 429s for /unregister, /register, and /process
  • Looks at the retry-after header in the HTTP response to determine how long to wait (in seconds) before retrying
  • If no retry-after is present, choose a random wait time between 30-60 seconds
  • Configurable retry count via max429RetryCount option. (Defaults to 4 retries)
  • Disable completely via the disable429Retry option. (Defaults to 4 retries)


npm i @adobe/asset-compute-client


Using the Class Initialization

After the client is set up, you must call .register() once before the first call to .process().

If the integration does not already have an I/O Events journal registered, it may take some time after calling .register() to be able to recieve and send I/O Events so it is recommended to add some wait time before calling .process().

If the integration already has an I/O Events journal registered, it is recommended to not wait before calling .process().

    const { AssetComputeClient, getIntegrationConfiguration } = require("@adobe/asset-compute-client");
    const sleep = require('util').promisify(setTimeout);

    //If integration file is json, a private key file must also be provided
    const integrationFilePath = "/path/to/integration/file"; // Either json or yaml format
    const integration = await getIntegrationConfiguration(integrationFilePath[, privateKeyFile]);
    const assetCompute = new AssetComputeClient(integration);

    // Call register before first call the process
    await assetCompute.register();

    // add wait time for events provider to set up
    await sleep(45000); // 30s

    const { requestId } = await assetCompute.process(
        "https://presigned-source-url", [
                name: "rendition.png",
                url: "https://presigned-target-url",
                fmt: "png",
                width: 200,
                height: 200
    const events = await assetCompute.waitActivation(requestId);
    if (events[0].type === "rendition_created") {
        // use the rendition
    } else {
        // failed to process

Error message printing

Note that any errors while polling the I/O Event journal will be logged before it retries:

Error polling event journal: request to https://events-va6.adobe.io/.... failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED

To add custom error message handling, listen for the error event:

assetCompute.on("error", error => console.log("custom error message", error.message));

Or disable any error message output:

assetCompute.on("error", () => {});

Using AssetComputeClient.create() for Initialization

This function creates a new instance of AssetComputeClient and calls the .register() method.

    const { AssetComputeClient, getIntegrationConfiguration } = require("@adobe/asset-compute-client");

    //If integration file is json, a private key file must also be provided
    const integrationFilePath = "/path/to/integration/file"; // Either json or yaml format
    const integration = await getIntegrationConfiguration(integrationFilePath[, privateKeyFile]);
    const assetCompute = await AssetComputeClient.create(integration);
    // add wait time if needed
    const { requestId } = await assetCompute.process(
        "https://presigned-source-url", [
                name: "rendition.png",
                url: "https://presigned-target-url",
                fmt: "png",
                width: 200,
                height: 200
    const events = await assetCompute.waitActivation(requestId);
    if (events[0].type === "rendition_created") {
        // use the rendition
    } else {
        // failed to process


After setting up the client, it is necessary to call .register() once before calling .process().

If the integration already has an I/O Events journal registered, you still must call register. The journal url returned from register is necessary for the client to retrieve I/O Events.

If the integration does not have an I/O Events journal registered, make sure to add some wait time after calling .register() before calling .process(). (It is recommended to wait around ~45 seconds)

const assetCompute = new AssetComputeClient(integration);
await assetCompute.register();


The unregister method will remove the I/O Events Journal created in .register(). It is necessary to call .register() again before attempting to use the client after unregistering.

Example usage:

const assetCompute = new AssetComputeClient(integration);
await assetCompute.register();
await assetCompute.process(..renditions);

// unregister journal
await assetCompute.unregister();

// call to process will fail, must call `register()` again first
try {
    await assetCompute.process(..renditions);
} catch (e) {
    // expected error, must call `register()` first

await assetCompute.register();
sleep(45000); // sleep after registering to give time for journal to set up
await assetCompute.process(..renditions);

Using custom 429 retry options

By default, AssetComputeClient will retry 4 times (with smart backpressure) on 429s.

Retry 10 times on 429s:

const assetCompute = new AssetComputeClient(integration, {
    max429RetryCount: 10

Disable retry on 429s:

const assetCompute = new AssetComputeClient(integration, {
    disable429Retry: false


Fetch retry options are documented here. The default options are used on each fetch request.

Note: these do not cover retrying on 429s since this requires the custom retry logic (retry.js) (ie, retrying every 1s with backoff could worsen the issue in a situation when the endpoint is overloaded)


Contributions are welcomed! Read the Contributing Guide for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache V2 License. See LICENSE for more information.


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