3.0.6 • Published 4 years ago

@advanced-rest-client/request-actions-panel v3.0.6

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4 years ago

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Published on webcomponents.org


A panel to define request actions for Advanced REST Client.



npm install --save @advanced-rest-client/request-actions-panel

In a LitElement

import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
import '@advanced-rest-client/request-actions-panel/request-actions-panel.js';

class SampleElement extends LitElement {
  render() {
    return html`

  _requestActionsChanged(e) {
    this.requestActions = e.detail.value;

  _responseActionsChanged(e) {
    this.responseActions = e.detail.value;
customElements.define('sample-element', SampleElement);

Action data model

Action can be defined using following properties:

source (String)

Source of the data to extract from the request or response object. See section below for detailed description.

action (String)

Action to perform. Currently supported are: assign-variable - updates variable value in memory, without storing them to the datastore; store-variable - updates and stores variable value in the datastore.

destination (String)

For variables manipulation it is the variable name.

enabled (Boolean)

If sent to false then the action is ignored.

Source option and data path

With source string you can instruct the runner from where to take the value for action. General structure is:

source object . data type [. path]

Source object can be either request or response.

Data type describes type of the request / response data. Can be one of:

  • url - URL associated with the request / response
  • status - Only for response data source object. Response's status code.
  • header - Request / response headers
  • body - Request / response body

Path allows to instruct the runner from where specifically in the data type get the value.

For url you can define the following properties:

  • host - Returns the host value, e.g. api.domain.com
  • protocol - Returns URL protocol, e.g. https:
  • path - URL's path, e.g. /path/to/resource.json
  • query - Returns full query string, e.g. version=1&page=test
  • query.[any string] - Returns the value of a query parameter. For query.version it would return 1
  • hash - Returns everything that is after the # character, e.g. access_token=token&state=A6RT7W
  • hast.[any string] - It treats hash as a query parameters and returns the value of the parameter. For hash.access_token it would return token

For body you can define path to the value for XML and JSON data only. Any other content type will result with undefined value.

Path to the data is a JSON path to the value (also for XML).

const json = {
  property: {
    otherProperty: {
      value: 123456
const path = 'property.otherProperty.value'; // This returns 123456

To access array values put the index in the path:

const json = {
  items: [{
    otherProperty: {
      value: 123456
const path = 'items.0.otherProperty.value'; // This returns 123456

Similar for XML:

const xmlStr = `<?xml version="1.0"?>
<people xmlns:xul="some.xul">
  <person db-id="test1">
    <name first="george" last="bush" />
    <address street="1600 pennsylvania avenue" city="washington" country="usa"/>
  <person db-id="test2">
    <name first="tony" last="blair" />
    <address street="10 downing street" city="london" country="uk"/>
    <phoneNumber>020 7925 0918</phoneNumber>
path = 'people.person.0.phoneNumber'; // returns 202-456-1111

XML path supports attr(ATTRIBUTE NAME) function that returns the value of the attribute:

path = 'people.person.0.name.attr(first)'; // returns george


You can add a condition to the action so the action will be executed if all conditions are meet.

Condition data model is:

  source: 'String', // the same as for action
  operator: 'String', // see below for list of all operators
  condition: 'any', // value to use to compare the value get from the action `source` property
  enabled: 'Boolean' // false to ignore the condition.

Operator can be one of:

  • equal
  • not-equal
  • greater-than
  • greater-than-equal
  • less-than
  • less-than-equal
  • contains

Contains can operate on strings, simple arrays (e.g. ['test', 123]) or objects (e.g. {'key':'value'}).


const config = {
  source: 'request.body.items.0.name',
  action: 'assign-variable',
  destination: 'someValue',
  enabled: true,
  conditions: [{
    source: 'response.status',
    operator: 'equal',
    condition: 200,
    enabled: true


Value for action can be extracted from the response body after iterating over iterable data types (array, object). In this case action's source property should be relative to the object that matches iterator definition.

Iterables can be mixed with conditions. Conditions are checked first, before action is performed.


Getting value from the same object.

// Action configuration
const config = {
  source: 'id',
  action: 'assign-variable',
  destination: 'personId',
  iterator: {
    source: 'items..name',
    operator: 'equal',
    condition: 'Smith'
// Response
const response = {
  items: [{
    id: 1234,
    name: 'Brown'
  }, {
    id: 5678,
    name: 'Smith'

Result of the above model would result with assigning 5678 to personId variable.


git clone https://github.com/advanced-rest-client/request-actions-panel
cd request-actions-panel
npm install

Running the demo locally

npm start

Running the tests

npm test

API components

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