0.3.0 • Published 8 months ago
@agreatfool/obsidian-utils v0.3.0
Command line tools to help obsidian stuff
Working steps
- Select location point
- Select date & edit time
- Fetch weather data
- Edit the title & slug
- Confirm the frontmatter generated
- Submit the data, then you can see the dir & md file generated
Need to install LocateMe first:
$ brew update --verbose && brew install locateme
Use it once: $ locateme
, and you will get the error:
2021-08-31 10:47:01.299 locateme[32912:640457] [error code] != kCLErrorLocationUnknown: Error Domain=kCLErrorDomain Code=1 "(null)"
2021-08-31 10:47:01.299 locateme[32912:640457] Error: Error Domain=kCLErrorDomain Code=1 "(null)"
Go to security setting panel, give the location access to locateme, then it should be working correctly:
$ locateme -f "{\"lat\":\"{LAT}\",\"lon\":\"{LON}\"}"
This tool is using:
You will need to prepare:
- Go to the console of amap 高德地图 to generate two keys:
- amapWebKey: Web服务 ; used to call restful apis
- amapJsKey: Web端(JS API); used to fetch location in embedded web component
- Go to the console of nowapi to get:
- nowapiAppKey: appkey ; used to call api
- nowapiSign: sign ; used to call api
How to use
Write a config file obsidian_utils_config.yaml
, it's recommended to be put in your obsidian vault dir. It's content:
amapJsKey: "..."
amapWebKey: "..."
nowapiAppKey: "..."
nowapiSign: "..."
$ obsidian-utils -d ~/Downloads/your/vault -c ~/Downloads/your/vault/obsidian_utils_config.yaml -a util
$ # OR
$ obsidian-utils -d ~/Downloads/your/vault -a index
obsidian-utils help:
$ obsidian-utils -h
Usage: obsidian-utils [options]
Obsidian utility, help to generate frontmatter, etc
-V, --version output the version number
-a, --action <string> which action will be executed: util | diary | index
-t, --datetime <string> the datetime of the document to be created, format:
'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'
-d, --dest <dir> directory of output destination
-c, --config <path> file path of the config yaml, example could be find at:
${source_root}/config.example.yaml; required if action is
"util | diray"
-h, --help display help for command