1.1.7 • Published 4 months ago
@ajaxlinux/tools v1.1.7
Front-end tools: simplify operation, quality inspection
npm install -g @ajaxlinux/tools
Usage: tools [options] [command]
-h, --help display help for command
Generate version.txt in the git-commit-info project
feishu Feishu related operations
cp file batch replacement function
pr mention pr function
version app version
update update the application
help [command] display help for command
tools translate
translate vue project
tools translate-init
tools translate
tools init
init vue2, vue3, react umi project with f2elint and webpack config
tools check-ctx
- check keywords in send folder path
- return keyword file path
- .command('check-ctx')
- .description('get keywords file path')
- .option('-P,--path string', 'folder path', process.cwd())
- .option('-K,--keywords string...', 'keywords string or Regex', [])
- .option('-I,--ignore-path string', 'Traverse file ignored paths')
change readme language
Modify tool title
package.json adds keywords
Modify tools pr
- .description('Merge request')
- .option('-T,--token ', 'user token')
- .option('-L,--open-list', '')
- .option('-TA,--target ', 'target path and branch')
- .option('-D,--delete', 'delete merge through tool mention')
- .option('-B,--before ', 'tools pr hook before execution')
- .option('-A,--after ', 'tools pr hook after execution')
tools feishu to push messages to Feishu app group after git pr
- .description('Feishu related operations')
- .option('--webhook ', 'Send a message to the incoming group bot according to the content of git pr')
tools git-commit-info
- .description('Generate git's most recent commitId and time to the file')
- .option('--folder string', 'The path to store version.txt', path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'dist', 'version.txt'))
1.0.4 Modify readme
1.0.3 tools cp (command parameter cache)
- Batch copy files and submit commit
- If it is a compressed file copy to the current project -> decompress the file -> copy the file to the directory to be copied -> delete the zip file and the decompressed file
- Ordinary files or folders do not have the first two steps
- tools cp --path D:\chromeDownload\download.zip --replace src\targetPath1\ public\plugin\targetFile1$pathFile --commit "chore: iconfont content replacement"
- .option('--path ', 'compressed zip or normal file path')
- .option('--replace string...', 'path or file to replace to$from')
- .option('--commit string', 'Description when git commit -m')
1.0.2 tools pr
- Function: gitlab provides pr via api
- tools pr --target "http://test|master,dev,dev2" --token "testToken"
- Bring the code to the master, dev, dev2 branches under the current branch
- Parameters:
- .description('Merge request')
- .option('--token ', 'user token')
- .option('--target ', 'target path and branch')
- .option('--delete', 'Delete merge through tool mention')
Modify package name