1.6.1 • Published 4 years ago

@ajw998/eslint-config v1.6.1

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4 years ago

Opinionated ESLint configurations


Run npm install @ajw998/eslint-config

In your .eslintrc, add the following:

    extends: '@ajw998/eslint-config/.eslintrc.js'

Teardown analysis


No super() calls in non-derived classes (constructor-super)

Calling super() in non-derived classes constructor will raise runtime error.

Require use of template literals over string concatenation (prefer-template)

Use template literals over string concatenation because we are not savages.

// Error
const string = 'Hello, ' + name + ' !';

// Correct
const string = `Hello, ${name} !`;

Enforce consistent spacing when using spread operators (rest-spread-spacing)

Rest and spread operator should always be together. This improves code readability. This style could be found consistently throughout examples provided by the original TC-39 proposal and MDN examples.

// Error
const { x, y, ... z} = props;

// Correct
const { x, y, ...z } = props;


Enforce 4-spaces indentation

Go read this.

Bottom line is, use a worthy IDE/Text editor that does the work for you. It is honestly not worth fussing about.


Prefer single quotes '' over "" for strings (quotes)

In JavaScript, it is acceptable to wrap ordinary string literals in single or double quotes. However, many style guides would define their own preference for consistency purposes. Airbnb and Google, for example, advises developers to use single quotes for strings.

Single quotes is preferred over double quotes due to enforce similarity with British English style rules, where one would enclose quoted matters in single quotation marks. Special considerations must be made when using apostrophes.

const unsafe = 'I'm an unsafe string' // Unsafe
const safe = 'I\'m a safe string' // Safe

The above problem may be adequately solved by using template literals. However, template literal should not be applied as a style rule, as the use of template literals generally infer the need for string interpolation, multi-line literals, or un-escape quotes or apostrophes. Liberal use of template literal when wrapping ordinary string literals would therefore impact on code comprehension.

Reject Yoda conditions (yoda)

Yoda conditions will throw an error as it makes code unreadable. It is counterintuitive and does not following traditional English syntax. Consider an average day-to-day conversation between two person where one enquires whether the other is a programmer. Unless you are the physical embodiment of the great Jedi Grandmaster, you will generally not phrase the question in such way: 'A programmer, he is?'. Instead, you will ask, 'Are you a programmer?'.

if ( 'yoda' === jediMaster ) { teach() }; // Error 
if ( jediMaster === 'yoda' ) { teach() }; // Pass

Warn on unsorted Object keys (sort-keys)

Self-explanatory. It is preferable to sort object keys in alphabetical order to help developers search for specific keys. This, however, rests on the assumption that the developer is familiar with the content of the object, and hence why the linter will only warn the developer instead of outright banning it. Take the following example:

// Mock object
// This would throw a warning
const obj = { 
    type: 'select',
    options: [ 'apples', 'pears', 'oranges' ],
    multiple: true,
    disabled: false,

The example above shows a generated object that would be used as a function parameter for generating a <select> element completed with options. For new developers, it may be intuitive to think about the HTML element type, and think about the list of available options, followed by other functional requirements.

If we sort they keys:

const obj = { 
    disabled: false,
    multiple: true,
    options: [ 'apples', 'pears', 'oranges' ],
    type: 'select',

This might potentially impede on new developer's comprehension of the object, as it may be counter-intuitive to first consider whether a select element is disabled. However, this is beneficial in the long run. Sorted keys are also especially useful for large objects, enabling developers to do visual search easily.


Allow inline comments (no-inline-comments)

In general, descriptive comments, multi-line, or prose-form comments should be placed before the code. However, there are cases where inline comments are useful in providing short and quick annotations on evaluated variables.

Warn on warning comments (no-warning-comments)

This is dependent on the size of your project. Sometimes, it is not feasible for developers to fix all the issues or implement every details perfectly due to reasons being their control (e.g. time constraints, imperfect information etc.).

An exception to the above rule are bugs. It is generally good software engineering practice to fix a bug as soon as you spot one. See ID Software's programming principles and the Broken Window Theory.


Disallow deleting variables (no-delete-vars)

Using delete on var leads to unexpected behaviour. Consider the following:

var test = 1; // Declare a variable
delete test;
console.log(test) // 1

The variable is not deleted, even though the script's intention shows the contrary. This is because variables are not normally deletable. If you declare test without var, however:

test = 1; // Declare a property
delete test;
console.log(test) // test is undefined

The reason being that test is bound to the top level lexical environment, which in this case is global environment. Assigning 1 to test without using var would instead assign an object property to the global environment. Since properties in objects are deletable, test will be undefined.

In strict mode, the parser will throw an error.

Disallow early uses (no-use-before-define)

Variables and functions declared using var are hoisted to the top of the scope. This can be confusing to read and creates messy code. This problem is indirectly covered by the prefer-const rule, which requires developers to use let and const, and will cause a ReferenceError to be thrown if the developer attempts to access a variable before it is declared.

// Syntactically correct, but linter will throw an errors.
// due to `prefer-const` and `no-use-before-define`.
foo(); // Error
function foo() { };

// Syntactically incorrect. The interpretor will throw `ReferenceError`.
const bar = () => { };

4 years ago


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