1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

@akkadu/kadukadu v1.0.0

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Last release
3 years ago

🥮 Kadukadu

Akkadu's popover dictionary for language learning


yarn add @akkadu/kadukadu


import { createKadukadu } from '@akkadu/kadukadu'

const { init } = createKadukadu({
  sourceLanguage: 'zh',
  targetLanguage: 'en',
  renderer: {
    target: 'target', // id of element to print text
    pinyin: true, // determines whether to render pinyin nodes

// After initialization we append elements to DOM by calling the returned render function.
const render = await init()

// Appends nodes to the target with translation and popover listeners
render('之前有很多人问学好前端需要学习哪些 js 库, 主流框架应该学 vue 还是 react ? 针对这些问题, 笔者来说说自己的看法和学习总结.')

createKadukadu Options

For the full API see defaults.js

   * Producer language
   *  @type {String}
   * */
  sourceLanguage: 'zh',
   * Consumer language
   * @type {String}
   * */
  targetLanguage: 'en',
   * Plugins are used to modify the behaviour of the sentence parser.
   * By default, the Chinese - English plugin is installed
   * @type {Array<Function>}
   * */
  plugins: [],
   * Show HSK Levels
   * @type {Boolean}
  showHSK: true,
   * Should ignore words that are not found in the parser
   * @type {Boolean}
  ignoreNotFound: false,
   * Options for renderer
   * @type {RendererOptions}
  renderer: {
     * @type {Boolean}
    pinyin: true,
     * @type {Boolean}
    showPopover: true,
     * id of the element to render nodes to
     * @type {String}
    target: null,
     * Spacing between each paragraph
     * @type {Number}
    lineSpacing: 5,
    /** @type {PopoverOptions} */
    popoverOptions: {}


Project setup

Install all dependencies

yarn install

Development build

yarn dev

Development UI playground

yarn playground

Production build

yarn build
  • Parse sentence to {Array} word objects with meaning + pinyin
    • If no pinyin is provided we pish an empty node
  • Render and append nodes to target
  • Handle pinyin
  • Handle Popover listeners