0.1.5 • Published 7 years ago

@akst.io/postcss-media-value v0.1.5

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Last release
7 years ago

PostCSS Media Value


This is a postCSS plugin that allows you to define a responsive value. For reuse I recommend you use something like CSS modules, with CSS Modules values.


yarn add @akst.io/postcss-media-value

Update your build

/* "your build" */
const postcssMediaValue = require('@akst.io/postcss-media-value');

const plugins = [
  // this is optional, but possibly required
  // depending on your css modules implementation
  new postcssMediaValue.CSSModulePrep({}),

  new CSSModules({}),
  new postcssMediaValue.MediaValue({}),


  • Value based
    • Designed for CSS Modules.
  • Declaritive
    • Can be nested in an expresssion like, solid $borderSize black
    • Properties can be the value itself like $borderSize
    • Properties can include multiple values $verticalPadding $horizontalPadding
    • Optional fallback
  • Mimumimal output
    • Only produces as much output as required
  • Correctness
    • Error messages for non exhaustive media queries when two values are used to together
    • Trys to retain the original ordering as much as possible
      • There are currently some quirks that need to be addressed in some edge cases, see this issue for more information.


Say you defined your config in some file, and you're using css modules.

/* app/styles/grid.css */
@value mobile: only screen and (max-width: 375px);
@value desktop: only screen and (min-width: 376px);

/* ignore the terrible breakpoints */
@value basePadding: media-value(
  case: "desktop" as: "20px",
  case: "mobile" as: "10px",
  else: "0",

@value lineHeight: media-value(
  case: "desktop" as: "20px",
  case: "mobile" as: "16px",
  else: "1em",

/* note that these media value arguements
 * allow for trailing commas ;) */
@value lineCount: media-value(
  case: "desktop" as: "4",
  else: "2"

And you want to import, so you do so and use it like this.

@value grid: 'app/styles/grid';
@value basePadding, lineHeight, lineCount from grid;

.tile {
  padding: basePadding;
  height: calc(lineHeight * lineCount);

You end up with this.

/* Note the 'else' caluse is the first rule as 'else'
 * kinda has fallback semantics. This way it has the
 * least priority. However if unspecified, the original
 * declartion will be removed. */
.tile { padding: 0; height: calc(1em * 2); }

/* Also note how the first rule in the value defintition
 * appears after the original rule. This way the is a sense
 * of predictable ordering. */
@media only screen and (min-width: 376px) {
  /* note how the two properties who shared the media query
   * didn't end up in a different rule */
  .tile { padding: 20px; height: calc(20px * 4); }

@media only screen and (max-width: 375px) {
  /* note that even though we never specfied a case
   * for this lineCount in this media query, it picked
   * a value, and that's because a default value was
   * specified for it. */
  .tile { padding: 10px; height: calc(16px * 2); }

More examples

See the examples folders.


TL;DR run make ci on code before submitting a pull request.


I'm down with anyone contributing, try creating an issue first if you have a feature idea or find a bug, just so I can track somewhere. The only really thing I expect of contributed changes is that they're run against the type checker, linter, and tests. You can do that by running

make ci

If you have watchman installed, just run this for repeated tests in the background.

make watch

You'll also want to install Flow.


We use Jest for the tests, but all you really know is to run make test.

Linting & Code Style

I prefer to let the linter define the rules, so just run make lint.