4.0.0 • Published 1 month ago

@algorithm.ts/queue v4.0.0

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1 month ago

A typescript implementation of Priority Queue (based on min-heap) and Circular Queue.


  • npm

    npm install --save @algorithm.ts/queue
  • yarn

    yarn add @algorithm.ts/queue



Priority Queue is a special queue structure, the first element of the queue always returns to the minimum value in the queue, and the amortized time complexity of the enqueue and dequeue operations are both $O(\log N)$.

  • IPriorityQueue: PriorityQueue implements the IPriorityQueue interface.

    consuming(): IterableIterator<T>Popup the elements from the queue by the dequeue order.
    count(filter: (element: T) => boolean): numberCount the elements in the queue which matched by the filter.
    dequeue(newElement?: T): T\|undefinedPopup the top element, and push the given newElement if it is not undefined.
    enqueue(val: T): voidPush a element into the priority queue.
    enqueues(elements: Iterable<T>): voidPush multiple elements into the priority queue.
    enqueues_advance(elements: ReadonlyArray<T>, start: number, end: number): voidPush multiple elements into the priority queue.
    exclude(filter: (element: T) => boolean): voidRemove elements matched the filter.
    destroy(): voidDestroy the queue and release the memory.
    front(): T\|undefinedGet the top element from the priority queue.
    init(initialElements?: Iterable<T>: voidInitialize priority queue with initial elements.
    readonly size: numberGet the number of elements.
    readonly destroyed: numberIndicate whether the priority queue destroyed.
  • IPriorityQueueProps

    export interface IPriorityQueueProps<T> {
      * If the compare(x, y) < 0, then x has a higher precedence than y.
      compare: ICompare<T>
    • new PriorityQueue<number>({ compare: (x, y) => x - y }): The top element has a minimum value.
    • new PriorityQueue<number>({ compare: (x, y) => y - x }): The top element has a maximum value.


Circular queue is a queue structure, the main purpose of its design is to reuse space as much as possible on the basis of ordinary queues. Circular queues usually need to specify the maximum volume C of the collector. If the number of elements in the queue exceeds C, only the most recent C elements are kept in the queue. Other operations are the same as ordinary queues.

  • ICircularQueue: CircularQueue implements the ICircularQueue interface.

    consuming(): IterableIterator<T>Popup the elements from the queue by the dequeue order.
    count(filter: (element: T) => boolean): numberCount the elements in the queue which matched by the filter.
    dequeue(newElement?: T): T\|undefinedPopup the top element, and push the given newElement if it is not undefined.
    enqueue(val: T): voidPush a element into the circular queue.
    enqueues(elements: Iterable<T>): voidPush multiple elements into the circular queue.
    enqueues_advance(elements: ReadonlyArray<T>, start: number, end: number): voidPush multiple elements into the circular queue.
    exclude(filter: (element: T) => boolean): voidRemove elements matched the filter.
    destroy(): voidDestroy the queue and release the memory.
    front(): T\|undefinedGet the first enqueued element from the circular queue.
    back(): T\|undefinedGet the last enqueued element from the circular queue.
    init(initialElements?: Iterable<T>: voidInitialize circular queue with initial elements.
    resize(MAX_SIZE: number): voidResize the max-size of queue with the given size.
    rearrange(): voidRearrange elements, that is, put the first element in place 0-index.
    readonly size: numberGet the number of elements.
    readonly destroyed: numberIndicate whether the circular queue destroyed.
  • ICircularQueueProps

    export interface ICircularQueueProps {
      * Initial capacity of the circular queue.
      capacity?: number
      * Automatically extends the queue capacity when the queue is full.
      * @default true
      autoResize?: boolean
      * @default 1.5
      autoResizeExpansionRatio?: number


  • Basic -- PriorityQueue

    import { PriorityQueue } = '@algorithm.ts/queue'
    const Q = new PriorityQueue<number>({ compare: (x, y) => y - x })
    Q.size        // => 4
    Array.from(Q) // => [7, 3, -5, 1] !!!NOTE: the result are not guaranteed to be ordered.
    Q.dequeue()   // => 7
    Q.dequeue()   // => 3
    Q.front()     // => 1
    Q.front()     // => 1
    Q.dequeue()   // => 1
    Q.front()     // => -5
    Q.dequeue()   // => -5
    Q.front()     // => undefined
    Q.dequeue()   // => undefined
  • Basic -- CircularQueue

    import { CircularQueue } from '@algorithm.ts/queue'
    const queue = new CircularQueue<{ name: string }>()
    // Initialize the circular-queue with the maximum number of elements it can
    // be managed.
    // Append a element to the end of the queue.
    queue.enqueue({ name: 'alice' }) // => 0
    queue.enqueue({ name: 'bob' }) // => 1
    queue.size          // => 2
    // Get the front element of the queue.
    queue.front()       // => { name: 'alice' }
    // Get the last element of the queue.
    queue.back()        // => { name: 'bob' }
    // Take off the first element of the queue.
    queue.dequeue()     // => { name: 'alice' }
    queue.size          // => 1
  • A solution for 剑指 offer#63 https://www.nowcoder.com/practice/9be0172896bd43948f8a32fb954e1be1

    import { PriorityQueue } from '@algorithm.ts/queue'
    const lowerQ = new PriorityQueue<number>({ compare: (x, y) => x - y })
    const upperQ = new PriorityQueue<number>({ compare: (x, y) => y - x })
    export function Insert(num: number): void {
      if (lowerQ.size === upperQ.size) {
      } else {
    export function GetMedian(): number {
      return lowerQ.size === upperQ.size
        ? (lowerQ.front()! + upperQ.front()!) / 2
        : lowerQ.front()!
