0.0.8 • Published 2 years ago

@alicloud/schema-registry-sdk v0.0.8

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Last release
2 years ago



const { SchemaRegistry ,SchemaType } = require('@alicloud/schema-registry-sdk'); // cjs
// import {  SchemaRegistry ,SchemaType } from '@alicloud/schema-registry-sdk';  // esm

const groupId = 'avro-schema-group';
// From an avsc file
// const schemaFromAVSC = await readAVSCAsync(path.join(__dirname, '.path/to/schema.avsc'));

// From an avdl file
// const schemaFromAVDL = await avdlToAVSCAsync('path/to/protocol.avdl');

const schema = `
    "type": "record",
    "name": "RandomTest",
    "namespace": "examples",
    "fields": [{ "type": "string", "name": "fullName" },{ "type": "string", "name": "school" }]
const registry = new SchemaRegistry({
    accessKeyId: '<your ak>',
    accessKeySecret: '<your sk>',
    endpoint: 'https://eventbridge-console-share.ap-southeast-3.aliyuncs.com/' // 阿里云接入点,默认值为 https://eventbridge-console-share.ap-southeast-3.aliyuncs.com/

const { id } = await registry.register({ type: SchemaType.AVRO, schema });

// // Encode using the uploaded schema
const payload = { fullName: 'John Doe', school: 'mid' }
const encodedPayload = await registry.encode(id, payload)
// Decode the payload
const decodedPayload = await registry.decode(encodedPayload);


根据schemaname 获取id,然后根据id和schema规范进行编解码

const { SchemaRegistry ,SchemaType } = require('@alicloud/schema-registry-sdk'); // cjs
// import {  SchemaRegistry ,SchemaType } from '@alicloud/schema-registry-sdk';  // esm

const groupId = 'avro-schema-group';

const registry = new SchemaRegistry({
    accessKeyId: '<your ak>',
    accessKeySecret: '<your sk>',
    endpoint: 'https://eventbridge-console-share.ap-southeast-3.aliyuncs.com/' // 阿里云接入点,默认值为 https://eventbridge-console-share.ap-southeast-3.aliyuncs.com/

const id = await registry.getLatestSchemaId('examples.RandomTest');

// // Encode using the uploaded schema
const payload = { fullName: 'John Doe', school: 'mid' }
const encodedPayload = await registry.encode(id, payload)
// Decode the payload
const decodedPayload = await registry.decode(encodedPayload);


const { SchemaRegistry ,SchemaType } = require('@alicloud/schema-registry-sdk'); // cjs
// import {  SchemaRegistry ,SchemaType } from '@alicloud/schema-registry-sdk';  // esm

const groupId = 'avro-schema-group';
const schema = `
    "type": "record",
    "name": "RandomTest",
    "namespace": "examples",
    "fields": [{ "type": "string", "name": "fullName" },{ "type": "string", "name": "school" }]
const registry = new SchemaRegistry({
    accessKeyId: '<your ak>',
    accessKeySecret: '<your sk>',
    endpoint: 'https://eventbridge-console-share.ap-southeast-3.aliyuncs.com/' // 阿里云接入点,默认值为 https://eventbridge-console-share.ap-southeast-3.aliyuncs.com/

const {id} = await registry.getRegistryIdBySchema('examples.RandomTest',schema);

// // Encode using the uploaded schema
const payload = { fullName: 'John Doe', school: 'mid' }
const encodedPayload = await registry.encode(id, payload)
// Decode the payload
const decodedPayload = await registry.decode(encodedPayload);

decode兼容 confluent schema registry


const { SchemaRegistry ,SchemaType } = require('@alicloud/schema-registry-sdk'); // cjs
// import {  SchemaRegistry ,SchemaType } from '@alicloud/schema-registry-sdk';  // esm

const groupId = 'avro-schema-group';
const schema = `
    "type": "record",
    "name": "RandomTest",
    "namespace": "examples",
    "fields": [{ "type": "string", "name": "fullName" },{ "type": "string", "name": "school" }]
const registry = new SchemaRegistry({
    accessKeyId: '<your ak>',
    accessKeySecret: '<your sk>',
    endpoint: 'https://eventbridge-console-share.ap-southeast-3.aliyuncs.com/' // 阿里云接入点,默认值为 https://eventbridge-console-share.ap-southeast-3.aliyuncs.com/,
    host: '<confluent schema registry host>'

const {id} = await registry.getRegistryIdBySchema('examples.RandomTest',schema);

// // Encode using the uploaded schema
const payload = { fullName: 'John Doe', school: 'mid' }
const encodedPayload = await registry.encode(id, payload)
// Decode the payload
const decodedPayload = await registry.decode(encodedPayload);