0.1.0-beta.3 • Published 11 months ago

@alliage/builder v0.1.0-beta.3

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11 months ago

Alliage Builder

Provides a build pipeline system for an Alliage application



yarn add -D @alliage/builder

With npm

npm install --dev @alliage/builder


If you have already installed @alliage/module-installer you just have to run the following command:

$(npm bin)/alliage-scripts install @alliage/builder

Otherwise, update your alliage-modules.json file to add this at the bottom:

  // ... other modules
  "@alliage/builder": {
    "module": "@alliage/builder",
    "deps": [
    "envs": ["development"],


Create a custom builder

The first thing to benefit from the builder module is to create a task. A task is class extending AbstractTask and that is registered as a service.

import { AbstractTask } from '@alliage/builder';

export class MyTask extends AbstractTask {
  getName() {
    return 'my_task';

  getParamsSchema() {
    return {
      type: 'object',
      properties: {
        myTaskParam: {
          type: 'string',

  async run(params) {
    console.log(`Param received: ${params.myTaskParam}`);

    // Do building stuff...

The task must implement the following method:

  • getName(): string: Must return the name of the task which must be unique among other tasks
  • getParamsSchema(): object: Must returns the schema of the parameters that can be sent to the task
  • run(params: object): Must contain the building logic of the task. It receives parameters that will correspond to the schema defined in the getParamsSchema method.

Once the custom task is created, we must register it as a service. If the @alliage/service-loader is installed, we just have to use the Service decorator. Otherwise, we must register it in an alliage module.

import { AbstractLifeCycleAwareModule } from '@alliage/lifecycle';

import { MyTask } from './MyTask';

export = class MyModule extends AbstractLifeCycleAwareModule {
  // ...

  registerServices(serviceContainer) {
    serviceContainer.registerService('my_task', MyTask, []);


Once the task is created we must configure the builder to use our task. Everything happens in the config/builder.yaml file that should have been created automatically when you installed the builder module.

  - name: my_task ## This is a name of the task to execute
    description: My task ## This is a description of the task (displayed in the terminal)
    ## These are the parameters sent to the task
      myTaskParam: foo

Run the build

Once the tasks to run in the builder have been defined, we can run the build by running the following command:

$(npm bin)/alliage-scripts build

With the example above, we should get the following output:

Running task: My task...
Param received: foo

Built-in tasks


The builder modules comes with one built-in which allows us to run shell commands. It can be used the following way:

  - name: shell
    description: Compile TypeScript code
      cmd: tsc -p tsconfig.json
  - name: shell
    description: Generate static documentation
      cmd: swagger-codegen generate -i api/specs -l html2 -o api/doc


Builder events

import { BUILDER_EVENTS } from '@alliage/builder';
TypeEvent objectDescription
BUILDER_EVENTS.BEFORE_ALL_TASKSBuilderBeforeAllTasksEventBefore running all the tasks
BUILDER_EVENTS.BEFORE_TASKBuilderBeforeTaskEventBefore running one task
BUILDER_EVENTS.AFTER_TASKBuilderAfterTaskEventAfter having run one task
BUILDER_EVENTS.AFTER_ALL_TASKSBuilderAfterAllTasksEventAfter having run all the tasks


This is the instance of the event object received in any BUILDER_EVENTS.BEFORE_ALL_TASKS listener.

  • getConfig(): object: Returns the configuration of the builder
  • getTasks(): { [name: string]: AbstractTask }: Returns the available tasks
  • setConfig(config: object): BuilderBeforeAllTasksEvent: Allows to re-define the builder configuration


This is the instance of the event object received in any BUILDER_EVENTS.BEFORE_TASK listener.

  • getTask(): AbstractTask: Returns the task about to be run
  • getParams(): object: Returns the params that will be sent to the task about to be run
  • getDescription(): string: Returns the description of the task about to be run
  • setParams(params: object): BuilderBeforeTaskEvent: Allows to re-define the params that will be sent to the task about to be run
  • setDescription(description: string): BuilderBeforeTaskEvent: Allows to re-define the description of the task about to be run


This is the instance of the event object received in any BUILDER_EVENTS.AFTER_TASK listener.

  • getTask(): AbstractTask: Returns the task that has been run
  • getParams(): object: Returns the params that will be sent to the task that has been run
  • getDescription(): string: Returns the description of the task that has been run


This is the instance of the event object received in any BUILDER_EVENTS.AFTER_ALL_TASKS listener.

  • getConfig(): object: Returns the configuration of the builder
  • getTasks(): { [name: string]: AbstractTask }: Returns the available tasks

Shell task events

import { BUILDER_SHELL_TASK_EVENTS } from '@alliage/builder';
TypeEvent objectDescription
BUILDER_SHELL_TASK_EVENTS.BEFORE_RUNShellTaskBeforeRunEventBefore running the shell task
BUILDER_SHELL_TASK_EVENTS.SUCCESSShellTaskSuccessEventAfter a successful run
BUILDER_SHELL_TASK_EVENTS.ERRORShellTaskErrorEventAfter a failed run


This is the instance of the event object received in any BUILDER_SHELL_TASK_EVENTS.BEFORE_RUN listener.

  • getCommand(): string: Returns the command about to be run
  • setCommand(command: string): ShellTaskBeforeRunEvent: Allow to re-define the command about to be run


This is the instance of the event object received in any BUILDER_SHELL_TASK_EVENTS.SUCCESS listener.

  • getCommand(): string: Returns the command that has been run
  • getSuccessOutput(): string: Returns the standard output
  • getErrorOutput(): string: Returns the error output


This is the instance of the event object received in any BUILDER_SHELL_TASK_EVENTS.ERROR listener.

  • getCommand(): string: Returns the command that has been run
  • getError(): CommandError: Returns the error which has the following properties:
    • stdout (string): The standard output
    • stderr (string): The error output
    • error: (ExecException): The native error

11 months ago


11 months ago


1 year ago


1 year ago