@alpsfinance/core v0.0.4
Alps Smart Contracts 💚
This is the official repository for Alps Finance Smart Contracts using Truffle Framework.
Built with 💚 from Alps Finance Developers.
Table of Contents
🛠️ Pre-requisites
1. Node.js
To install the latest version of Node.js, click here and follow the steps.
2. NPM/Yarn
If you plan to use NPM as your package manager, then you can skip this step because NPM comes with Node.js
. Otherwise, if you would like to use yarn, then run the following command to install yarn:
npm i -g yarn
3. Truffle
To install truffle, run the following command:
// NPM
npm i -g truffle
// Yarn
yarn global add truffle
4. Moralis Admin Account
To get your free Moralis Admin Account, click here to register.
👨💻 Getting Started
1. Install Dependencies
npm i
# Yarn
2. Environment Variables
Copy .env.example
file and rename it to .env
and fill in the environment variables.
3. Compile the Smart Contracts
npm run compile
# Yarn
yarn compile
🚀 Deployment
In order to deploy the smart contracts, run the following command.
npm run migrate --network <network-name>
# Yarn
yarn migrate --network <network-name>
where network-name
is based on truffle-config.js
. Once the smart contracts are successfully deployed on-chain, then optionally verify the smart contracts with the following command.
npm run verify <smart-contract-name> --network <network-name>
# Yarn
yarn verify <smart-contract-name> --network <network-name>
where smart-contract-name
is the name of the smart contract from Solidity that you would like to verify and network-name
is similar to above.
⚗️ Testing
All the testing scripts are under the test
folder. To run the test run the following commands:
// NPM
$ npm run test
// Yarn
$ yarn test