@alvarcarto/tilewarm v1.2.1
A command-line tool to warm up your tile server cache. Give it a URL template, coordinates, and list of zoom levels and it will systematically request all tile images in the given area.
npm install -g @alvarcarto/tilewarm
Docker example:
docker build -t tilewarm .
docker run tilewarm http://yourtileserver.com/{z}/{x}/{y}.png --input geojson/world.geojson --zoom 1-5
1-5 levels, 20km radius from the center of Barcelona
tilewarm http://yourtileserver.com/{z}/{x}/{y}.png --point 41.38,2.16 --buffer 20km --zoom 1-5
1-5 levels of the world (~1.3k requests)
tilewarm http://yourtileserver.com/{z}/{x}/{y}.png --input geojson/world.geojson --zoom 1-5
1,3,5 levels of the world (~1k requests)
tilewarm http://yourtileserver.com/{z}/{x}/{y}.png --input geojson/world.geojson --zoom 1,3,5
6-8 levels for all cities in the world (~4k requests)
tilewarm http://yourtileserver.com/{z}/{x}/{y}.png --input geojson/all-cities.geojson --zoom 6-8
6-14 levels for all cities in the world (~1.2M requests)
tilewarm http://yourtileserver.com/{z}/{x}/{y}.png --input geojson/all-cities.geojson --zoom 6-14
15 level for all cities in the world (~3M requests)
tilewarm http://yourtileserver.com/{z}/{x}/{y}.png --input geojson/all-cities.geojson --zoom 15
Usage: tilewarm <url> [options]
<url> Tile URL template
--verbose Increase logging [boolean] [default: false]
--max-retries How many times to retry the tile request. The first
request is not counted as a retry. [default: 5]
--retry-base-timeout Base timeout defines how many ms to wait before retrying
a request. The final wait time is calculated with
retryIndex * retryBaseTimeout. [default: 5000]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-p, --point Center of region (use with -b) [string]
-b, --buffer Buffer point/geometry by an amount. Affix units at end:
mi,km [string] [default: "0km"]
-z, --zoom Zoom levels (comma separated or range)
[string] [default: "3-9"]
-l, --list Don't perform any requests, just list all tile URLs
[boolean] [default: false]
-i, --input GeoJSON input file [string] [default: null]
-c, --concurrency How many concurrent requests to execute [default: 5]
-m, --method Which HTTP method to use in requests
[string] [default: "GET"]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
tilewarm http://tileserver.com/{z}/{x}/{y}.png --point 62.31,23.12 --buffer
Not enough non-option arguments: got 0, need at least 1
Warming cache for all cities in the world
Form a geojson for all cities in the world.
node tools/cities-to-geojson.js tools/cities.csv > cities.geojson
# Put geojson to clipboard, works on Mac
cat cities.geojson | pbcopy
You can debug the geojson by pasting it into http://geojson.io/. The file can be compressed even more with https://www.npmjs.com/package/geojson-precision.
Then run:
tilewarm http://yourtileserver.com/{z}/{x}/{y}.png --input cities.geojson
Zoom levels visually
Each zoom level 3-19.
- Commit all changes.
Use np to automate the release:
Edit GitHub release notes.
This tool is almost a rewrite of tilemantle, which hadn't been updated for a while and had a crash bug for our use case.