0.1.0 • Published 8 years ago

@ama-team/voxengine-stubs v0.1.0

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8 years ago

VoxEngine Stubs

npm CircleCI/Master Coveralls/Master Scrutinizer/Master Code Climate

This repository contains stubs for VoxEngine-specific global objects to help in testing VoxImplant applications.


npm i @ama-team/voxengine-stubs


Library has main entrypoint:

var Stubs = require('@ama-team/voxengine-stubs')

It exposes several methods: .setup(), .install(), .uninstall(), .reset() and .flush(). First three are terribly self-explanatory:

beforeEach(function() {
  Stubs.setup({global: {allure: {enabled: true}}})
afterEach(function() {

Reset and flush are different things. When dealing with stubs like Logger, you'll want to a) save what's been in there (that's .flush() method) and b) clear that before every test (and that's .reset()). Reset method is a little bit redundant if you constantly call install and uninstall methods, but may come handy in hard cases. .uninstall() method calls .flush() automatically, so usually you won't need to call it either.


There are four levels of configuration:

  • Stub defaults
  • Global defaults
  • Global configuration
  • Stub configuration

When it comes to work, all three levels are recursively merged into one, and lower level keys take precedence of upper ones. Defaults are hard-boiled inside library and can't be changed, while the latter two levels are configured as single object:

  global: {
    allure: {
      enabled: true
  Logger: {
    allure: {
      filename: 'voxengine.log'

Sinon integration

Every stubbed function is wrapped in Sinon.spy, so you may call something like Logger.write.getCall(0).args[0] in your tests without any hassle.

Spies are recreated on every reset call, so calls don't accumulate.

Per-stub work

Sometimes you will need to work with stubs directly. Most of the stubs have corresponding ._setup(), ._reset() and ._flush() methods that practically do the same thing you expect.


Logger saves passed data to internal state and flushes it as voxengine.log Allure attachment.

It's configuration schema is:

  enabled: true
  filename: voxengine.log
  mimeType: text/plain


VoxEngine stubs .terminate, .customData, .addEventListener and .removeEventListener functions. You can use ._emit(event) function to invoke event raise.


  enabled: true
    filename: events.yml
    mimeType: application/x-yaml
    filename: listeners.yml
    mimeType: application/x-yaml
    filename: custom-data.yml
    mimeType: application/x-yaml
  default: ''
  # Whether to throw on second VoxEngine.terminate call
  throwOnMultipleCalls: false
  # Whether to throw if `this` is lost. Such call may result in
  # undesired behavior in VoxEngine.
  throwOnLostContext: true


Only HTTP part has been stubbed yet.

  enabled: true
  pattern: http-interaction-%d.yml
  mimeType: application/yaml
# list
  # list of HttpRequestResult-alike structures
  # example:
  #   code: 200
  #   headers:
  #     - key: Server
  #       value: elasticsearch/5.5.2
  #   raw_headers: |
  #     Server: elasticsearch/5.5.2
  #   text: '{"acknowledged":true}'
  responses: []
  # whether to throw when last response have been reached or
  # just start from beginning
  roundRobin: false

AppEvents and CallEvents

Both of these namespace have been stubbed. You can create events yourself by just calling new AppEvents.Something({property: value}) constructor. Events come with some dumb defaults, so most of the time you will have correct types even if you don't feed constructor with anything.

Hey, i don't see X in that list!

That's probably because i had no time to implement it. Pull requests are appreciated.

Allure integration

Currently all flushing boils down to saving Allure attachments if it's turned on and is present as allure global object. Allure is a beautiful reporting tool made just for case like this: collect all data about tests and present it in beautiful view. If you haven't got a chance to get acquainted with it earlier, do it now, because it will save you tons of testing time.



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