0.1.2 • Published 6 years ago

@amazebot/rocket-bot v0.1.2

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6 years ago

🤖 Rocket Bot

Consume Rocket.Chat message streams and automate method calls.


Full use-case examples are on the todo list. See below for method usage.


See the main rocket-control README for general configuration.

Specific configs for this module are as follows (none are required):

Env varDescription
RC_INTEGRATION_IDApplies message.bot.i to identify sent messages
RC_JOINCSV of room names or IDs to join on login
RC_STREAM_NAMEStream name to subscribe to for messages
RC_STREAM_ROOMRoom or collection for subscription parameters
RC_IGNORE_DIRECTFilter direct messages out of aggregated stream
RC_IGNORE_LIVECHATFilter livechat messages out of aggregated stream
RC_IGNORE_EDITEDFilter edited messages out of aggregated stream


Provides a high level interface for connection, login and subscribing to message streams in Rocket.Chat. The default driver instance can be required for general usage, to subscribe and respond to the aggregated message stream for a bot user.

const { driver } = require('@amazebot/rocket-bot')

Or use the Driver class to create multiple driver instances if you need to connect to different sources, streams or isolate cached method results.

new Driver()

Create a driver instance. It exposes the lower level socket and api dependencies as properties to allow more advanced usage.

const { Driver } = require('@amazebot/rocket-bot')
const driver = new Driver()


Proxy for Socket login method

By default uses credentials in RC_USERNAME and RC_PASSWORD env vars or package.json: { "rcConfig": { "username": "bot", "password": "pass" } }

driver.login().then(() => console.log('🚀🤖 Logged in!'))

Credentials can also be given at run-time.

driver.login({ username: 'me', password: 'pass' }).then(() => console.log('👍'))

.onMessage(callback, options)

Call a callback on every event in the user's aggregated message stream. The callback arguments use error-first pattern, followed by the message and meta object.

driver.onMessage((err, message, meta) => {
  if (!err) console.log({ message, meta })

A second argument can be given to override config for ignored messages. e.g.

const callback = (err, message, meta) => console.log(err || message)
driver.onMessage(callback, {
  edited: true,
  livechat: false,
  direct: false
}) // 👆 ignores livechat and DMs, fires on edited (regardless of config)

WARNING: The meta field in streams is unstable, may be deprecated in future. See Issue #12574 and PR #12763.

Please make use of meta conditional to avoid failures on upcoming Rocket.Chat releases and review any changes to message schema for possible updates to roomType and roomName attributes.

.subscribe(stream, room)

Lower level method for creating subscription through socket. Can be called explicitly to create any number of streams for specific rooms, but mainly used implicitly by onMessage for the main aggregated message stream.

Returned subscription instance includes an .onEvent method for adding event handlers and .unsubscribe method to cancel the subscription.

Helpers and Aliases

A collection of methods provide extra utility for bots that are not yet documented other than in source. Some simply alias socket methods. See the socket or the codebase for description and usage of the following:

  • asyncCall
  • cacheCall
  • callMethod
  • userById
  • getRoomId
  • getRoomName
  • getDirectMessageRoomId
  • joinRoom
  • leaveRoom
  • joinRooms
  • leaveRooms
  • prepareMessage
  • sendMessage
  • sendToRoomId
  • sendToRoom
  • sendDirectToUser
  • editMessage
  • setReaction